
24 2012

Salem Conference 2012 - Pastor John Farley Friday AM

Pastor John Whose slave are you?   <Rebound and opening prayer>   “Please turn in your Bibles to 2Ti 2:2”   Thank you Pastor Joseph Sugrue and the congregation here at Grace and Truth ministries for welcoming us to this...
24 2012

Salem Conference 2012 - Pastor Joseph P. Sugrue Friday AM

If you are a believer here this morning then you have been purchased from one master and are now the slave of a new Master, and that new Master is TLJC.   Though several English translations find the word “slave” too harsh or too evoking of negative emotions they chose words like servant, minister, or bond-slave to attempt...
23 2012

Clothing yourself with the new self; John 15:18; Eph 4:22-24.

Title: Clothing yourself with the new self; John 15:18; Eph 4:22-24.   Announcements/opening prayer:     In this cosmic system the believer is covered by the love of Christ and he will not be punished. Christ has overcome the world.   If the believer...
22 2012

The weakness of man as the basis for satan’s rule; John 15:18

Title: The weakness of man as the basis for satan’s rule; John 15:18   John 15:18 "If the world hates you [and it does], you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.   The key words are the actions of hate and persecution.   The hatred and persecution...
21 2012

Characterizing the world system; John 15:18.

Title: Characterizing the world system; John 15:18.   The transition from the end of 15:17 to this new section is rather abrupt. Throughout vss. 1-17 the focus is on the close fellowship that unites Jesus with the believer. But now the overriding emphasis is on the hostility that will be directed against the disciples as well as all...
19 2012

An abrupt transition from love to hate; John 15:18.

Title: An abrupt transition from love to hate; John 15:18.   Announcements/opening prayer:   The transition from the end of 15:17 to this new section is rather abrupt. Throughout vss. 1-17 the focus is on the close fellowship that unites Jesus with the believer. But now the overriding emphasis is on the...
17 2012

The need of agape love to protect the soul in personal love, part 2; John 15:17.

Title: The need of agape love to protect the soul in personal love, part 2; John 15:17. Personal love, though potentially wonderful, is a problem generator and needs agape love as a problem solver.   With that in mind I want to briefly look at the two areas of human personal love so that you can see how agape love must...
16 2012

The need of agape love to protect the soul in personal love; John 15:17.

Title: The need of agape love to protect the soul in personal love; John 15:17. John 15:17 "This I command you, that you love one another.   As we have defined agapan love: A mental attitude impersonal, unconditional love from mature virtue that recognizes the value of an object, producing a self-sacrificial...
15 2012

Loving one another in the body of Christ – part 2; 1Cor 12-13; John 15:17.

Title: Loving one another in the body of Christ – part 2; 1Cor 12-13; John 15:17. Divine virtue love is impossible without grace. Grace imputation of the new creature, grace to learn it, and grace orientation in applying it.   As soon as works come into the picture, agape love is impossible since grace is no longer...
14 2012

Loving one another in the body of Christ; 1Cor 12-13; John 15:17.

Title: Loving one another in the body of Christ; 1Cor 12-13; John 15:17. John 15:17 "This I command you, that you love one another.   "command" - evnte,llomai[entellomai - present middle indicative] = to command, decree, or prescribe. Middle = for the believer's benefit.   All...
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