Identifying the cosmic system, part 9 John 15:19; 1John 3:8-10.
length: 62:41 - taught on Oct, 17 2012
Class Outline:
Title: Identifying the cosmic system, part 9 John 15:19; 1John 3:8-10.
1 John 3:8 the one who practices [does or commits] sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
The doing or committing of a sin is the reverse of psychosomatics, which the soul controlling the body. Here we have the body or flesh controlling the soul through OSN control so it is somapsychotics.
Temptation is the OSN knocking on the gate of the soul. Sin occurs when the volition opens the gate for OSN control of the soul.
Temptation is when the OSN makes a strong attack on the soul that is filled with the Spirit. These war with one another for control and you’re volition decides each battle.
For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
The phrase “of the devil” refers to cosmic system involvement to the point where you become an agent for him. Therefore, prudent use of confession prevents that, but it is a fact that:
The decision to sin is a decision to simultaneously enter the cosmic system.
Committing sin without rebound will rather quickly lead to negative volition towards doctrine and extended stay in the cosmic system. Negative volition occurs at application as well as perception and metabolization.
Never take sin lightly. It has always been the first step in the reversionism of countless positive believers. You will sin, realize its consequences and confess and move on.
Verse 8 describes that state as “of the devil” but is better translated “from the devil” as the preposition ek is used. “From the devil” indicates a believer who has become an agent of the devil.
Satan is the first sinner. He is the first introducer of arrogance and hatred and so any of us that are out of fellowship and in the cosmic system for a certain period of time becomes an agent to him. [no condemnation, just a fact]
Satan has a secret agent within all of us, the OSN, which he attempts to use towards his advantage. They have a lot in common. The OSN hates doctrine and wants to live for self, operate in justice and not grace, and fights from an area of weakness. Jesus Christ has given each of us the high ground or the most advantageous position from which to fight in our conflict. The OSN and satan fight from the low ground which is destined for failure.
A believer gets out of fellowship with God and into fellowship with the cosmos when he sins, but this can be very, very brief if confession is used immediately, so brief that there are hardly any consequences to his soul.
There are always consequences to sin. The alert believer minimizes these consequences.
However, when a believer reacts to a situation with great arrogance or emotionalism he is in danger of rejecting doctrine and running back into the arms of the sin nature and the world system.
It is from this position that he becomes an agent that can be used by the devil.
Reaction from arrogance or emotion is a system of thinking and usually more than an isolated sin. Reaction under arrogance or great emotion is extremely dangerous.
Without the work of Christ we would have no hope, but our Lord destroyed the works of the cosmic system and so we:
Through confession for restoration to fellowship and faith rest, doctrinal orientation, and grace orientation for recovery a believer can, by means of grace, break this pattern of slavery.
Therefore, verse 8 isn’t legalism; it is instruction and warning to break the pattern of chain sinning, reaction, arrogance, and emotionalism through God’s procedures from His plan.
When you find yourself caught in the throws of emotional chain sinning it is important to think strictly of mechanics in order to recover.
It doesn’t matter how you feel. You’ve got to get emotionalism out of the picture and think strictly the mechanics of the plan of God for rebound and recovery. [example] Once you have recovered your emotions can respond to the excellence of the plan of God.
What really matters is that you do not lose your momentum in doctrine. If you lose that momentum then you will become an agent for the devil.
The agent of the devil is not a satan worshipper, rather he is used by the KOD to contribute to the world system while bearing the mark of a Christian. He doesn’t stand up for grace against the system. His lifestyle is no different from an unbeliever’s.
He becomes subjective and thinks the message is about him, that the pastor is targeting him, taking it personal rather than taking doctrine as directly from the HS.
2 Tim 3:16-17
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
He also draws others into the system as a recruiter. He draws his Christian friends into the system with him. [no rebound crowd]
He heaps unnecessary and heavy burdens upon others. We are to bear one another’s burdens but it does not say that we should unnecessarily heap burdens on others due to reversionism. However, the strong believer has the ability to bear even these burdens and such a situation becomes a blessing to the positive believer in undeserved suffering and a curse to the reversionist who wanders around like a man in the desert without water.
And he causes division in the true Church. He plants false doctrine that he thinks are new revelations. He plants the seeds of division and the weak are carried away with it in arrogance.
Some have been doing this for a long time and don’t even know it. [I mean the Church all over the world]
The agent for satan contributes to the system, is subjective to doctrine, recruits friends for the system, heaps burdens on others, and causes division in doctrinal assemblies.
Matt 6:23
But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
Phil 3:17-18
Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us. For many walk, of whom I often told you, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ,
This is not being a fruit inspector. This is observing a pattern of consistent doctrinal intake. You can’t see into a person’s soul and know their motivation for attending Bible class, but time and adversities and problems tend to reveal those who walk in the pattern of positive volition. The negative believer is not to be judged by any man!
Greet Prisca and Aquila [mentioned 5 times by Paul], my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who for my life risked their own necks, to whom not only do I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles
2 Cor 11:14-15
for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds.
So verse 8 is a memo of warning to the positive believer to break the pattern of chain sinning and recover so as to not fall into reversionism with the result that they become agents of the devil.
Christ’s work on the cross has destroyed the works of the devil and He tested the plan of God to its maximum capacity and that plan passed with flying colors. It is the legacy left behind to us so that we may not fall under satan’s system.
2 Cor 2:11
in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes. [context - forgiveness]
These points are very important in understanding this passage.
1 John 3:9 No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Needless to say, we have here a verse that has been the source of a lot of confusion and often misinterpreted.
As in verse 8 the verb is poieo which is the Greek verb to do, to perform, to commit, etc. The Greek word for practice is prasso, but with the verb in the present tense it indicates every time a sin is committed. Imagine is like a dotted line with each dot being a personal sin. How many dots, how close together, and are there so many that it looks like a continuous line? That is certainly a good question that we could all take inventory on, but that’s not the point here. This is a statement. The one born of God does not commit sin.
For this to in any way mean sinless perfection is a wrong translation from all scripture and from John himself in this very epistle in chapter 1 verses 8 and 10.
The key word is “seed.” The Greek word sperma can mean a man’s seed, a seed of a plant, and metaphorically as offspring.
Here it is used in the metaphorical sense of an offspring of God or what is the new creature made by God at the moment of salvation or the moment of second birth.
Every believer has a new nature within him, and that new nature cannot sin. John calls this new nature God's "seed."
When a person receives Christ as his Savior, tremendous spiritual changes take place in him.
He is given a new standing before God, being accepted as righteous in God's sight. This new standing is called "justification." It never changes and is never lost.
The new Christian is also given a new position: he is set apart for God's own purposes to live for His glory. This new position is called "sanctification.” Positional sanctification cannot ever change while the believer has a choice to live in the plan of God for his life and be sanctified or set apart experientially. Experiential sanctification has a way of changing from day to day. On some days we are much closer to Christ and obey Him much more readily.
But perhaps the most dramatic change in a new believer is what we call "regeneration." He is "born again" into the family of God. (Re: means "again," and generation means "birth. ")