
14 2011

The common purpose of the body of Christ John 13:33; Eph 4:1-7; 2Co 1:1-10

In our study of the function of the church, which is the body of Christ, by comparing scripture with scripture we find a similar pattern in the book of Ephesians to what we have seen in Heb 10.   Eph 1-3 teaches us about our position in Christ, our forgiveness, the work of the HS as our teacher and mentor, the mystery doctrine, all of...
09 2011

God emphasis over people emphasis and the body of Christ. John 13:33

Pray for the families of the 30 fallen soldiers whose remains have just returned home. Schedule – 7pm or 7:30pm or 8pm?       In describing the function of the body of Christ, each member to another, there may have been some confusion as to certain points or principles that I...
07 2011

The session of the Lord opens up opportunity for the church, part 2 John 13:33; Heb 10

/John 13:33 "Little children [students under training and discipline], I am with you a little while longer. You shall seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, I now say to you also, 'Where I am going, you cannot come.' \   /The Lord’s strategic victory opens the opportunity for our tactical victory as a...
05 2011

The session of the Lord opens up opportunity for the church, part 1. John 13:33; Heb 10

John 13:33 "Little children, I am with you a little while longer. You shall seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, I now say to you also, 'Where I am going, you cannot come.'   /“Little children” – the vocative of teknion.[teknion] This means to be under training and discipline. They have a...
02 2011

Greater sources of comfort will be provided through the Father's plan. John 13:33

John 13:33 "Little children, I am with you a little while longer. You shall seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, I now say to you also, 'Where I am going, you cannot come.'   /“Little children” – the vocative of teknion.[teknion] This means to be under training and discipline. They have a...
31 2011

Love is the unity of the body of Christ. John 13:34-35

Turn to Eph 4.   /Under the old commandment the test of love for one’s neighbor was one’s love for oneself. The test under the new commandment was to love as Christ had loved them. \   Christ had just demonstrated the kind of love’ that He had as well as the degree of His love...
21 2011

The Father's plan will be fulfilled despite all opposition.John 13:31; Heb 2:9-15

Under the old commandment the test of love for one’s neighbor was one’s love for oneself. The test under the new commandment was to love as Christ had loved them.   Christ had just demonstrated the kind of love’ that He had as well as the degree of His love (13:1—20). His love had brought Him from heaven’s...
19 2011

Mystery doctrine is introduced with the greatest command - Love one another as I have loved you. John 13:27-34

John 13:27And after the morsel, Satan then entered into him [verb means to come inside]. Jesus therefore said to him, "What you do, do quickly."    Judas is offered the place of honor at the supper and he takes it. This shows the depth of his reversionism.   When Jesus commanded...
17 2011

The doctrine of the mystery part 10: The ten unique factors of the Church-age. Eph 1:9; 2Pe 1:10-12; Rom 8:29-39

/7. Mystery doctrine reveals the ten unique factors of the Church-age. \   /1. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit.\       The baptism of the HS is the method by which God transitioned the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union to the great power experiment of the plan of God for the...
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