
05 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 24. Act 19:1-6; Mar 1; Mat 3; Luk 3.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 24. Act 19:1-6; Mar 1; Mat 3; Luk 3.   Announcements/opening prayer:      Misapplied passages: F. Heeding the message of John the Baptist and receiving his baptism did not save anyone....
04 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 23. Act 8:14-20; 10:44, 46: 19:1-6.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 23. Act 8:14-20; 10:44, 46: 19:1-6.   The indwelling of the Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit indwells everyone who is regenerated forever.   Misapplied passages: A. In the OT the Spirit did not indwell anyone, but He did fill some...
03 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 22. Rom 8:9; 1Co 6:18-19; 2:12; Joh 7:37-39.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 22. Rom 8:9; 1Co 6:18-19; 2:12; Joh 7:37-39.   Announcements/opening prayer:      /The indwelling of the Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit indwells everyone who is regenerated.\   In the...
24 2014

Freedom in Christ, part 10

Freedom in Christ lesson 10   Part 5: To secure these rights: Economics, religion, and character.     This is like the free market in which citizens can exchange what they produce, goods and labor, for the production of others. The...
24 2014

Freedom in Christ part 9

Freedom in Christ lesson 9   Part 5: To secure these rights: Economics, religion, and character.   How does God secure our liberty? Support of doctrine in local assemblies that teach the no-nonsense truth of His word.   Support of doctrine: God blesses...
23 2014

Freedom in Christ part 8

Freedom in Christ Lesson 7; Part 2: The theory of the declaration and the constitution. 3) Establishment of civil laws (property defined, deeds recorded, contract legal standards are clear, lawsuits for personal injury, define procedure for marriage and divorce). God has a law of volitional...
23 2014

Freedom in Christ. part 7.

Freedom in Christ lesson 7, Part 2c: The theory of the declaration and the constitution. As stated here it becomes obvious that rights cannot be separated from duty.   I have a duty not to enslave anyone and a duty not to steal another's property or to inhibit the exercise of religion, no matter what...
23 2014

Freedom in Christ, part 6.

Freedom in Christ lesson 6, Part 2b: The theory of the declaration and the constitution.     Heb 13:5-6  Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you," so...
23 2014

Freedom in Christ, part 5

Freedom in Christ lesson 5,Part 2: The theory of the declaration and the constitution.   Satan attempts to destroy the prosperity and strength that comes from equality and liberty. And he has had the same strategy in the Church and in the nation.   Gal 5:1 It was for freedom that...
22 2014

Freedom in Christ, part 4

Freedom in Christ lesson 4, part 1.   In 1789 there were 5 free states in the north and 8 slave states. By 1858 there were 15 free states in the north and 17 slave states in the south and in 1861 the Civil War broke out and in four years of bloody battle over one million casualties (3% of the population) were...
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