Gospel of John [16:16-24]. The Session - in My name [part 2] Joh 14:12-14; 28-29
length: 62:22 - taught on Nov, 12 2014
Class Outline:
JOH 16:23 "And in that day you will ask Me no question. Truly, truly, I say to you, if you shall ask the Father for anything, He will give it to you in My name.
We must have confidence that the Father will give all things asked for in Christ's name, and we must be willing to accept them in His way and His timing.
The Jews had grown to expect the Messiah to come and lead a war of national liberation. This the OT revealed of the Second Coming, but what of the blood sacrifices? What of the first half of Psa 22? Their eyes went right to the last half of Psa 22. What of the Isa 53? Their eyes went right to Isa 54. They had what many do, an idea of how things were going to go and that in ignorance of the way of God in the matter. In this ignorance we set our eyes on our way and react badly when that way does not come to fruition.
The Messiah fulfilled all the prophecy concerning Him in the OT and yet He was not what anyone expected, not even His own disciples. God's ways are not man's ways. Humble yourself under His mighty hand.
JOH 16:24 "Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be made full.
First we must distinguish the two different Greek verbs for "ask," both of which are used in this passage.
"ask Me" - evrwta,w[erotao] = to petition from a footing of equality and familiarity.
"ask the Father" - aivte,w[aiteo] = the petition of one who is lesser in position. [Never used by Jesus]
It is significant that aiteo is never used of Christ praying to the Father, but erotao. We come as inferiors to God's throne of grace while Christ is on equal footing as the Son of God.
Here we see the transition into the Church age in which the disciples and every believer will be indwelt by the Spirit. After Pentecost all petitions will be directed to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. In the 3 years of our Lord's ministry they directed all requests and questions directly to Him.
In the CA - all petitions go to the Father in the name of Christ. During our Lord's ministry the disciples requested and petitioned to Christ directly.
He already taught them to pray to the Father - "Our Father who are in heaven," but this 3 years is a distinct and unique time in which those close to our Lord could request of Him directly. After He ascended into heaven this was no longer possible. Nor was it possible before to pray to the Father in His name since He was not at the right hand of God as the Mediator. So in Mat 6, He didn't tell them to say, "Our Father who are in heaven in Christ's name."
Yet, after His ascension and the Holy Spirit is given at Pentecost all prayer goes to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.
In JOH 16:19 Jesus knew that they wanted to question Him and here it seems that He is encouraging them to do so, yet in their obvious confusion would have questions done them any good? Questions without faith mean nothing and likely, more confusion.
On the surface the sentence seems to say that they haven't asked Him anything, but that is obviously not true. The emphasis is that they haven't asked Him anything in His name.
JOH 14:12 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.
JOH 14:13 "And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
JOH 14:14 "If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
It would seem that asking anything in His name couldn't be effective until He was glorified at the right hand of God. The obvious confusion of this verse is that He says they can ask Him in His name. Yet, whether we can clear up this confusion or not, Christ makes it clear in chapter 16 that we are to ask the Father in His name.
I'll quote from F.F. Bruce's commentary on the gospel of John concerning these verses.
"If something is asked for in Jesus' name, the request is probably viewed as addressed to the Father. The Father denies nothing to the Son, and a request made in the Son's name is treated as if the Son made it." [F.F. Bruce]
JOH 16:23 "And in that day you will ask Me no question. Truly, truly, I say to you, if you shall ask the Father for anything, He will give it to you in My name.
JOH 16:24 "Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be made full.
And so, as usual, He comforts them by telling them that they can ask the Father for anything and He will give it in the Lord's name. Yet He can only give that which is in compliance with His will and all questions will be answered by the word of God, though God so often uses circumstances to open our minds to the proper truth within His word.
Answered prayer brings a fullness of joy.
They didn't know the Father at this time as we do now and they would later as is revealed by Philip's question to show them the Father. To them, the Father was the Jehovah of the Law who was only approached in the holy of holies by the high priest, and Christ here reveals to them that the Father loves each of them [verse 27] and so they can approach Him and He will give to them what they ask in the name of Christ.
In His Upper Room message, Jesus emphasized prayer (JOH 14:12-14; 15:7,16; 16:23-26). He made it clear that believing prayer is one of the secrets of a fruitful Christian life.
Jesus will go from being beside them to be consulted in every difficulty to being in them and at the right hand of the Father as a mediator of all requests to the Father.
This is a far better station, and when they realize its reality through faith they will rejoice. This is another reason that they should have rejoiced when He told them He was leaving, but again, ignorance of the truth leads to sorrow while cognizance of God's grace plan turns sorrow into joy.
JOH 14:28 "You heard that I said to you, 'I go away, and I will come to you.' If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I.
JOH 14:29 "And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that when it comes to pass, you may believe.
JOH 16:25 "These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; an hour is coming when I will speak no more to you in figurative language, but will tell you plainly of the Father.
The hour of telling plainly of the Father is at the giving of God the Holy Spirit.