Pastor Joe's Blog

19 2016

"What gives, I thought I was over this."

"What gives, I thought I was over this." It's a wonderful feeling to have completed a trial or test in the spiritual life. The situation may still be ongoing but your struggle within it is over. God had revealed to you in the midst of the trial, how to trust Him and put it in His...
05 2016

The fate of the child of God and the fate of the fool

The fate of the child of God and the fate of the fool. We all get what we get according to our choices. In this is a sort of fate, but not as the world sees that term. To the world fate is a word that refers to an inevitable end, no matter what one chooses. But this is only half the truth. What one chooses concerning the One who decrees all things...
29 2016

God will provide humility and then the followers

God will provide the humility and then the followers The first two kings of Israel were vastly different men. Saul, who began his rule with success, would later greatly fail. David who began his commission on the run as an outlaw, would soon enough find great success. ...
24 2016

Environments change but man's condition never changes

Environments change but man's condition never changes. Winston Churchill in an essay he entitled "Fifty Years Hence," written in 1932, writes about the incredible changes he perceived over the prior century. These changes were due mainly to science in which man had greatly increased...
09 2016


Compassion Webster's dictionary defines compassion as "sorrow for the sufferings or trouble of another or others, accompanied by an urge to help." Compassion is a wonderful virtue. It actually feels good. To help another person in their trouble with the proper motivation that is from divine...
31 2015

Resist the perfectionist within

Resist the perfectionist within Sometimes a believer feels very heavy pressure to live up to the ideals and ethics of the Christian life. The virtues that are commanded of him are many, and all of them are divine in origin, so then, they are supernatural. God has made it so the natural can live a supernatural...
18 2015

Fragments of truth wrapped in untruths

Fragments of truth wrapped in untruths This past week an amateur filmmaker took to the campus of Yale University with a petition that he asked students to sign. It was a petition to repeal the First Amendment. Amendment I ...
11 2015

Don't let cynicism replace enchantment in the soul

Don’t let cynicism replace enchantment in the soul. Due to attending the on-line course from Hillsdale College on C.S. Lewis, I have been, as I’m sure you have been able to see, greatly influenced by them. And so, if you’ll bear with me a little more, this blog is more like an...
04 2015

The Whole word and nothing but the Word

The Whole Word and nothing but the Word. In order to understand things we break them down into smaller bits and then categorize these bits in a way that helps us to learn them. In chemistry we break the science down into organic and inorganic, and many subdivisions of these. The elements are...
27 2015

Pressure from

Pressure from "others." I have several times heard from Christians who are faithfully attending Bible classes in order to learn the scriptures in depth that they have people around them, family, friends, spouse, etc. who put pressure on them to quit this habit. It seems pretty...
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