
13 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 8; John 15:18.

Title: Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 8; John 15:18.     Grace is the divine policy of God to freely give what His Son justified at Calvary, while mercy is the policy of God in action for those who are in need.   Need has a very broad range. You might be in need of comfort...
12 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 7; John 15:18; Luke 18:9-14

Title: Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 7; John 15:18; Luke 18:9-14     For the Christian to abandon faith and grace for Law and works is to lose everything exciting that the Christian can experience in his daily fellowship with the Lord.   The Law...
11 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 6; John 15:18; Gal 3:1-14.

Title: Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 6; John 15:18; Gal 3:1-14.     Jesus Christ had to bear the burden of justice for the entire human race, therefore it is only through faith in Him that any man is justified.   If God abolished in Christ the only justice system He ever...
09 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 5; John 15:18; Rom 5:15-17.

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 5; John 15:18; Rom 5:15-17.   Christ is grace’s author and Prince Ruler through the cross, Rom 5:15.   Rom 5:15 But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and...
07 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 4; John 15:18; Matt 19:17-22.

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 4; John 15:18; Matt 19:17-22.   Matt 19:16 And behold, one came to Him and said, "Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?"   He wants to do, but nothing indicates that he understands faith. And once he is challenged...
06 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 3; John 15:18;

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 3; John 15:18;   We continue in our study of the difference between justice in the world and grace that has come from God.   The prophet Isaiah made it clear that the fulfillment of the grace promises to Israel are earthly based. This is in contrast to the...
05 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 2; John 15:18;

Title: Thinking with grace rather than justice, part 2; John 15:18; We have been studying the difference between justice in the world and grace that has come from God.   The world is under a system of justice that is contrary to God’s policy of grace and for this reason, ignorance and arrogance of the people...
04 2012

Thinking with grace rather than justice; John 15:18;

Title: Thinking with grace rather than justice; John 15:18;   John 15:18 "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.   Justice: reward or penalty as deserved; the use of authority and power to uphold what is right, just, or lawful....
02 2012

Post Conference Stress Disorder; Justice vs. Grace; John 15:18; Matt 18:21-35

Post Conference Stress Disorder; Justice vs. Grace; John 15:18; Matt 18:21-35      John 15:18 "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.   There are...
26 2012

Salem Conference 2012 - Pastor Joseph P. Sugrue Sunday AM

Not becoming a slave to mankind [perversion of slavery to men]   /"It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged. " Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural...
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