
06 2012

Stumbling blocks – Cultural or legalistic taboos; the solution is the law of love, part 3. John 16:1; Eph 5:1-2.

Title: Stumbling blocks – Cultural or legalistic taboos; the solution is the law of love, part 3. John 16:1; Eph 5:1-2.   There are four laws of Christian behavior which are designed only to operate on spirituality – in the confines of the plan of God under the filling of God the Holy...
05 2012

Stumbling blocks – Cultural or legalistic taboos; the solution is the law of love, part 2. John 16:1; Eph 5:1-2.

Title: Stumbling blocks – Cultural or legalistic taboos; the solution is the law of love, part 2. John 16:1; Eph 5:1-2.     There are four laws of Christian behavior which are designed only to operate on spirituality – in the confines of the plan of God under the filling of God the Holy...
04 2012

Stumbling blocks – Cultural or legalistic taboos; the solution is the law of love. John 16:1; Eph 5:1-2.

Title: Stumbling blocks – Cultural or legalistic taboos; the solution is the law of love. John 16:1; Eph 5:1-2.   Difficult doctrines that go against preconceived notions can cause stumbling because of human viewpoint and lack of patience, John 6:61.   John 6:61 But Jesus, conscious that His...
02 2012

Solutions to stumbling blocks – The believer owns nothing on this earth, part 2; John 16:1; Phil 3:8; .

Title: Solutions to stumbling blocks – The believer owns nothing on this earth, part 2; John 16:1; Phil 3:8; .   You were challenged to believe facts about the identity of the Christian as delineated in the NT; things about yourself and your destiny in the heavenly future. If you doubt them then you miss out on living the CWL in...
30 2012

Solutions to stumbling blocks – The believer owns nothing on this earth; John 16:1; Mark 10:17-31.

Title: Solutions to stumbling blocks – The believer owns nothing on this earth; John 16:1; Mark 10:17-31.   THE CHRISTIANS. A new humanity appears on the earth with an incomparable new headship in the resurrected Christ, which Company is being formed by the regenerating power of the Spirit.   I am...
29 2012

Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 7; John 16:1.

Title: Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 7; John 16:1.   THE BIBLE’S ENDURING FRESHNESS. As no other literature in the world, the Bible invites and sustains a ceaseless rereading.   Its pages are ever flashing new gems of truth to those most familiar with...
28 2012

Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 6; John 16:1.

Title: Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 6; John 16:1.     THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE. It is to be expected that the literature created to convey God’s message to man, regardless of secondary causes and agencies, would be worthy of the divine...
27 2012

Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 5; John 16:1.

Title: Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 5; John 16:1.   What we have noted so far shows that there is no other alternative for the one who questions the divine origin of the Scriptures.   This is the reason why we are doing this study at this time, for God asks...
25 2012

Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 4; John 16:1.

Title: Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 4; John 16:1.   Bibliology – the study of collecting, arranging, and explaining the divinely inspired truths of the Bible. Bible [Gr. Biblos] means book.   THE BOOK OF GOD. By this title it is intended to call...
23 2012

Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 3; John 16:1.

Title: Solutions to stumbling blocks – God’s divinely inspired book, part 3; John 16:1.   Bibliology – the study of collecting, arranging, and explaining the divinely inspired truths of the Bible. Bible [Gr. Biblos] means book.   ...
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