Mat 10:1-6; The Kingdom of God Is Really Coming.
length: 43:09 - taught on Jan, 5 2025
Class Outline:
Sunday January 5, 2025
Main idea: Jesus Christ sent the twelve only to Israel because they were God’s covenant people.
The kingdom coming is real and physical, and the consequences of entrance or expulsion are just as real.
Jesus offered the kingdom of heaven to Israel first and foremost
Every village hears and sees the miracles performed by Jesus, the 12, and the 70 (LUK 10:1). Jesus clearly fulfills all prophecy and His power over man, earth, death, sickness, demons, the devil are unmistakable.
MAT 9:35-38: Compassion and prayer for workers.
MAT 10:1-4, the twelve are workers, not experts.
MAT 10:5-6, Go to the lost sheep of Israel. Why?
Israel is offered the kingdom first and fully. There is no excuse. It was brought right to their doorstep. Why them?
Abrahamic Covenant: GEN 12:3; 15:18; 17:4; 22:17-18.
God repeatedly states that He does for them because He remembers His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Abrahamic Covenant: A progressive step in the revelation of God’s plan of salvation.
Promise of a national land (GEN 12:1; 13:14-15, 17).
Promise of redemption (GEN 12:3; 22:18; GAL 3:16).
Promise of numerous descendants to form a great nation (GEN 12:2; 13:16; 17:2-6).
Promise of salvation.
Promise of resurrection.
Promise of eternal kingdom (eschatology).
So, all born of Abraham will receive the promises?
Conditional covenant - the Mosaic Law.
The redeemed nation has an obligation to their Redeemer.
The people only become a nation when they voluntarily submit to the Law at Sinai (Horeb).
What is the relationship between the unconditional covenant and the conditional covenant?
Abrahamic (unconditional) = blessings.
Mosaic (conditional) = condition for blessing.
One does not gain blessing, but gives it away or refuses it through lack of faith. Faith in the Abrahamic Covenant in Israel would produce obedience, worship, and love for God (the command that sums up the entire Law of Moses).
The condition placed upon God’s elect nation: “You shall be holy as I am holy.”
'For I am the Lord who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.'"
They would not be formed as a nation until they accepted the Law from Sinai.
'Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine; 6 and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.'
Deut 5:29
'Oh that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Me and keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever!
like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; 16 because it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
So often disobedient, but Messiah still comes to them - grace.
Israel had to repent of sins against God’s covenant Law.
The kingdom of heaven is “near” meant at the door. Repentance opened the door.
Jesus was officially presenting Himself as the covenanted Davidic king and was offering the covenanted kingdom to the covenanted people. The only condition was their repentance in keeping with 2CH 7:14.
We must not forget that there was (and is) real opposition caused by the devil.
The condition, in the face of all lies and opposition by the religious leaders, was righteousness. Jesus pointed this out in the Sermon on the Mount.
Rejection brings judgment.
Abrahamic Covenant: unconditional promise. Mosaic Covenant: fulfilled by Christ. Reject Him and you are under it and condemned to death. For believers who follow the Lord, the spirit of the Law becomes their way of life, gladly. If you do not know that yet, be patient, the love of holiness will overwhelm you when your understanding of your Lord reaches a certain depth. It is like a deluge of love for Him and His loves.
The reality of a coming, literal kingdom. Reality of real consequences to unbelievers, carnal believers, and excitedly, mature believers.
Individual lives.
Believers missing out on the joys of Christ and eternal rewards.
Our mission: The soul without mission stagnates, dries up, and hardens.
The church without mission does the same.
You must know the consequences of coming judgment.
You must know the Lord’s love.
You must develop compassion for all mankind and pray for more workers.