Mat 10:1-15, Jesus Wants You to Have His Job.
length: 78:26 - taught on Dec, 29 2024
Class Outline:
Sunday December 29, 2024
Main Idea: The apostle had a mission to teach the gospel with sacrifice and suffering.
We are very familiar with some of them and others we know nothing about. Perhaps that is to show us that notoriety is not what God is interested in.
Bartholomew (could be Nathaniel) and Thaddeus (likely also Jude).
James son of Alpheus: James the Less.
Simon the Zealot - whether he was of the sect known as the zealots or if he was zealous for something else, it is impossible to tell.
Is Paul or Matthias the 12th?
Others called apostles (James, Barnabas, Andronicus, Junias).
None of the “who is a part of the 12” concerns us in this passage, for these 12, for the time of the Lord’s first advent.
One of them is a devil:
Jesus answered them, "Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?" 71 Now He meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray Him.
Why chose a devil? Great question. I have my own idea. Email me your ideas.
These apostles were to go to Israel, and not any Gentiles or Samaritans. The kingdom was offered first to Israel, first by John’s call to prepare, then by Jesus’ call, and now by the twelve. They were given the very power of miracles that Jesus Himself had.
They were to depend completely on God - sacrifice. MAT 10:7-15.
They are commanded: (All imperatives) preach, heal, raise, cleanse, cast out, give!
“Freely you received, freely give.” (MAT 10:8)
How easy it would have been to withhold healing from someone you didn’t particularly like.
How easy it is for us to withhold love, kindness, encouragement, compassion, patience from people who have not loved us; who have not responded to our love; who insulted us?
The love of God in you is just as powerful in revealing the gospel as is raising the dead, and more so.
Finding the love of God in yourself (ROM 5:5), despite what others do to you.
They were not to acquire money (MAT 10:9).
Working in God’s ministry is not about making money. He does not say that a servant of Christ should not ever have money. The servant is not to acquire it for his preaching. In the case of the pastor teacher, he is supported for his work so he can work and prepare sermons for you (GAL 6:6; LUK 10:7). Yet still, the pastor teacher is to teach you in season and out of season (2TI 4:2).
Do not bring extra provisions (MAT 10:10).
They are to be supported with necessities while they give eternal life.
“Bag for your journey” is a traveling bag or bread bag.
“The worker is worthy of his support [food]” and LUK 10:7 (the 70) has “worthy of his wages.”
They seek out a worthy (likely a home known for piety) home (MAT 10:11-15).
They stay and if accepted they put their blessing of peace on it.
If they are rejected they are to shake the dust off their feet (meaning: as Gentiles).
Sacrifice: freely giving the gifts from God to others no matter how they treat you.
While you give, you trust in the Lord. It is faith above feeling.
Jesus is the apostle; MAR 9:37; JOH 17:18
Apostello (verb) - to dispatch someone for the achievement of some objective or with a message.
Can we understand why the Lord would use us in this way?
Why is this a part of life? How do you feel when you have great news to tell someone? ISA 52:7
The greatest witness is true conviction (not style).
There are several different personality types in the twelve. Many more in the millions.
Sacrifice and suffering show conviction.
You have the gospel, the power of life, in your hands.
New Year’s resolution: be a bolder witness, with kindness, sacrificial love.
Make your peace with whatever suffering may come, now, before it comes.
Think of the apostles now, imagine them in the kingdom to come, should they have held back their commitment to the mission?