Mat 5:21-48; Introduction: A Trinity Thing that Makes Sense

Class Outline:

Sunday June 16th, 2024


Introduction: God’s plans are for the mundane, quiet life.


JER 29:11 - learn how to live with one another in captivity


LUK 2:20 - after seeing the most amazing event in history to that point, the shepherds go home to wives, family, chores, sheep, work, neighbors, mundane and obscure life.


Summary of MAT 5:21-48.


Conflicts with people.

Marriage (all loyalties).

What you say.

People who want to hurt you.

Relating to everyone.


The great, heavenly, moral life of the disciple of Christ is lived in the mundane and obscure.


Idea: God created mankind so that together we could share in the glorious relationship within the Trinity.


The Trinity.

Classic definition: “There is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence” [Warfield]


Their existence with one another is one of loving, glorifying and serving each other (JOH 1:18; 16:14; 17:4-5). 


Glorify: They praise, enjoy, delight in another simply for who they are.


The Trinity has existed eternally in self-giving love. They orbit one another - a dance. 


If Trinity is not true than love cannot be His essence, not relationally anyway. 


One God is sovereign, mighty, and all authority, but the love of another is missing if for eternity there has been no other. 


Fall of man. Lost the dance and became self-centered. 


Demand that others orbit us (MAR 8:34-35). 


God calls us to glorify Him, not because He needs it or wants something for Himself - He wants our joy. 


Trinity and creation. Why did He do it? 


He created mankind in the interest of extending the perfect, eternal communication that exists in the Trinity to us. 


Goodness, love, joy, delight, happiness, freedom. 


In your relationships with everyone in your life, your tiny corner of the world, you pursue the way of the Trinity, a shalom of wholeness and peace.


You were made for mutual self-giving. Self-centeredness destroys the fabric of what God has made. 


The righteousness or holiness that is required has to be in the core of you - in your heart, not just overt stuff like the Pharisees. 


God created us so that we could join the dance with them. 


In our age, the ekklesia, Christ is building a community (meaning of ekklesia) in the fallen world (1CO 2:6-10). 


Son of Man = Trinity +1. 


The +1 is humanity. His addition becomes our addition.


+1 is the offer to mankind to join the communal life of the Trinity. 


This is why God demands that we center our whole life on Him. 


We stop trying to be our own source of happiness, beauty, and delight and we acquire them from Him - and then we share them with others (we long to. We can’t help it). 


In a way, we get to offer our +1 to others. 


Conclusion: Christianity is more than having one’s sins forgiven and going to heaven. 


It is this but more. The final purpose of Jesus coming was to glorify God by putting the world right, and that includes our salvation. 


Our mission is shalom to all in our neighborhood, and wherever else God sends us. 





Sunday June 15th, 2024

Title: MAT 5:21-48; Introduction: A Trinity Thing that Makes Sense.


Introduction: God’s plans are for the mundane, quiet life.


JER 29:11 - learn how to live with one another in captivity


LUK 2:20 - after seeing the most amazing event in history to that point, the shepherds go home to wives, family, chores, sheep, work, neighbors, mundane and obscure life.


Summary of MAT 5:21-48.


Conflicts with people.

Marriage (all loyalties).

What you say.

People who want to hurt you.

Relating to everyone.


The great, heavenly, moral life of the disciple of Christ is lived in the mundane and obscure.


Idea: God created mankind so that together we could share in the glorious relationship within the Trinity.


The Trinity.

Classic definition: “There is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence” [Warfield]


Their existence with one another is one of loving, glorifying and serving each other (JOH 1:18; 16:14; 17:4-5). 


Glorify: They praise, enjoy, delight in another simply for who they are.


The Trinity has existed eternally in self-giving love. They orbit one another - a dance. 


If Trinity is not true than love cannot be His essence, not relationally anyway. 


One God is sovereign, mighty, and all authority, but the love of another is missing if for eternity there has been no other. 


Fall of man. Lost the dance and became self-centered. 


Demand that others orbit us (MAR 8:34-35). 


God calls us to glorify Him, not because He needs it or wants something for Himself - He wants our joy. 


Trinity and creation. Why did He do it? 


He created mankind in the interest of extending the perfect, eternal communication that exists in the Trinity to us. 


Goodness, love, joy, delight, happiness, freedom. 


In your relationships with everyone in your life, your tiny corner of the world, you pursue the way of the Trinity, a shalom of wholeness and peace.


You were made for mutual self-giving. Self-centeredness destroys the fabric of what God has made. 


The righteousness or holiness that is required has to be in the core of you - in your heart, not just overt stuff like the Pharisees. 


God created us so that we could join the dance with them. 


In our age, the ekklesia, Christ is building a community (meaning of ekklesia) in the fallen world (1CO 2:6-10). 


Son of Man = Trinity +1. 


The +1 is humanity. His addition becomes our addition.


+1 is the offer to mankind to join the communal life of the Trinity. 


This is why God demands that we center our whole life on Him. 


We stop trying to be our own source of happiness, beauty, and delight and we acquire them from Him - and then we share them with others (we long to. We can’t help it). 


In a way, we get to offer our +1 to others. 


Conclusion: Christianity is more than having one’s sins forgiven and going to heaven. 


It is this but more. The final purpose of Jesus coming was to glorify God by putting the world right, and that includes our salvation. 


Our mission is shalom to all in our neighborhood, and wherever else God sends us. 





Sunday June 15th, 2024

Title: MAT 5:21-48; Introduction: A Trinity Thing that Makes Sense.


Introduction: God’s plans are for the mundane, quiet life.


JER 29:11 - learn how to live with one another in captivity


LUK 2:20 - after seeing the most amazing event in history to that point, the shepherds go home to wives, family, chores, sheep, work, neighbors, mundane and obscure life.


Summary of MAT 5:21-48.


Conflicts with people.

Marriage (all loyalties).

What you say.

People who want to hurt you.

Relating to everyone.


The great, heavenly, moral life of the disciple of Christ is lived in the mundane and obscure.


Idea: God created mankind so that together we could share in the glorious relationship within the Trinity.


The Trinity.

Classic definition: “There is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence” [Warfield]


Their existence with one another is one of loving, glorifying and serving each other (JOH 1:18; 16:14; 17:4-5). 


Glorify: They praise, enjoy, delight in another simply for who they are.


The Trinity has existed eternally in self-giving love. They orbit one another - a dance. 


If Trinity is not true than love cannot be His essence, not relationally anyway. 


One God is sovereign, mighty, and all authority, but the love of another is missing if for eternity there has been no other. 


Fall of man. Lost the dance and became self-centered. 


Demand that others orbit us (MAR 8:34-35). 


God calls us to glorify Him, not because He needs it or wants something for Himself - He wants our joy. 


Trinity and creation. Why did He do it? 


He created mankind in the interest of extending the perfect, eternal communication that exists in the Trinity to us. 


Goodness, love, joy, delight, happiness, freedom. 


In your relationships with everyone in your life, your tiny corner of the world, you pursue the way of the Trinity, a shalom of wholeness and peace.


You were made for mutual self-giving. Self-centeredness destroys the fabric of what God has made. 


The righteousness or holiness that is required has to be in the core of you - in your heart, not just overt stuff like the Pharisees. 


God created us so that we could join the dance with them. 


In our age, the ekklesia, Christ is building a community (meaning of ekklesia) in the fallen world (1CO 2:6-10). 


Son of Man = Trinity +1. 


The +1 is humanity. His addition becomes our addition.


+1 is the offer to mankind to join the communal life of the Trinity. 


This is why God demands that we center our whole life on Him. 


We stop trying to be our own source of happiness, beauty, and delight and we acquire them from Him - and then we share them with others (we long to. We can’t help it). 


In a way, we get to offer our +1 to others. 


Conclusion: Christianity is more than having one’s sins forgiven and going to heaven. 


It is this but more. The final purpose of Jesus coming was to glorify God by putting the world right, and that includes our salvation. 


Our mission is shalom to all in our neighborhood, and wherever else God sends us.