
09 2020

Christmas 2019: Behold My Son, in Whom I am well pleased, part 7.

Thursday January 9,2020   Gal 4:1 Now I say, as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything,   Gal 4:2 but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by the father.   Gal...
08 2020

Christmas 2019: Behold My Son, in Whom I am well pleased, part 6.

Wednesday January 8, 2020     Atonement through the suffering Servant was ignored in Israel when Christ was born, and when He began His public ministry He focused directly on the deep spiritual core of...
07 2020

Christmas 2019: Behold My Son, in Whom I am well pleased, part 5.

Tuesday January 07,2019   The Law and the prophets and the writings revealed a world-wide war and an ultimate victory by God through a suffering Servant.   The Jews indeed...
05 2020

Christmas 2019: Behold My Son, in Whom I am well pleased, part 4.

Sunday Januray 5, 2020   God so loved the world that He became a part of it.   Christianity is the presence of God in the world in the person of Jesus Christ. ...
29 2019

Christmas 2019: Behold My Son, in Whom I am well pleased, part 3.

Sunday December 29, 2019 God so loved the world that He became a part of it.   Christianity is the presence of God in the world in the person of Jesus Christ.   What had never before entered the imagination of man, assumed flesh and blood, who solved the deepest problems of our...
26 2019

Christmas 2019: Behold My Son, in Whom I am well pleased, part 2.

Thursday December 26, 2019   God so loved the world that He became a part of it.   Christianity is not an ethereal, eternal doctrine about God’s nature, but rather it is the presence of God in the world in the person of Jesus Christ....
22 2019

Christmas 2019: Behold My Son, in Whom I am well pleased.

Sunday December 22, 2019   Christmas 2019   God so loved the world that He became a part of it.   Christianity is not an ethereal, eternal doctrine about God’s nature, but rather it is...
19 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:9; The unworthy messenger servant, part 8.

Thursday December 19, 2019     Pride is the worst of all vices. It can remove other vices from a soul while it takes the seat of control. The clear footprint of pride is seen as the thought that you are really quite good, and in fact better than...
18 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:9; The unworthy messenger servant, part 7

Wednesday December 18, 2019   Christ didn’t strip us of our material. He stripped us of our natures. He tore from us our delusion of worth.   Remove our worth and still we can carry...
17 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:9; The unworthy messenger servant, part 6.

Tuesday December 17, 2019   Pride is essentially competitive, only finding pleasure in having more than the next guy.   Pride is competitive by its very nature. Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next...
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