
08 2020

Passion Week; Day 2-3; Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday April 8, 2020   There is argument about what day Christ died. I’m not going to get into it. We will count the days...
07 2020

Passion Week; Day 1, Palm Sunday.

Tuesday April 7, 2020   Mat 21:1-11 And when they had approached Jerusalem and had come to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, "Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them,...
05 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer(inner man: the human spirit), part 15.

Sunday April 5, 2020   3:14-19 C) Inner man.        Both the Spirit and Christ are working within. What does God tell us of the inner man? (soul, spirit, heart, mind, and...
02 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer (inner man: the human spirit), part 14.

Thursday April 2, 2020   [Article posted today by Steve Deace] It took almost 20 years before the first polio vaccine trials and Jonas Salk injecting his own family with it to prove its integrity to America. After years of trying, science gave up on a vaccine for the first and less vicious SARS. We've...
01 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer (inner man: fear of the Lord; the human spirit), part 13

Wednesday April 1, 2020   The believer is to fear the Lord, as in respect, reverence, awe, and cautious walking (living).   1Jo 2:3-6 And by this we know that we have...
31 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer (inner man: fear of the Lord; the human spirit), part 12.

Tuesday March 31, 2020   The believer is to fear the Lord, as in respect, reverence, awe, and cautious walking (living).   Eph 5:15-21 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, 16 making the most of your time,...
29 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer (inner man: fear of the Lord; the human spirit), part 11.

Sunday March 28, 2020   Saul did not fear the Lord. He rather feared the opinion of the people.   1Sa 13:8-14 Now he waited seven days, according to the appointed time set by Samuel, but Samuel did not come to...
26 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer (inner man: seeing the glory of God; the human spirit), part 10.

Thursday March 26, 2020   Read about an editorial in the WSJ a few hours ago.   A pair of public health experts from Stanford, Drs. Eran Bendavid and Jay Bhattacharya, warn Americans in a Wall Street Journal editorial that the current estimates about the...
25 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer (inner man, Cain and Abel’s offering), part 9

Wednesday March 25, 2020   When Cain brought his offering to the Lord, he brought the product of the ground, for he was a tiller of the ground. God had no regard for his offering, and it could be that it was rejected because it was a bloodless...
24 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, Pauls prayer (inner man), part 8.

Tuesday March 24, 2020   Paul prays for the inner man to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit so that we may be able to see the Person of Christ fully. This seeing would...
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