
21 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 20.

Thursday November 21, 2019   Is there any bounty, hopefulness, goodness, and real wealth to human life? When man’s eyes are opened to the things freely given him by God.   1Co 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is...
20 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 19

Wednesday November 20, 2019   Some have concluded that it was easy for Christ and therefore unfair. He was God, without sin, in the know, a spiritual and moral genius; so then, they conclude, we cannot identify with Him, neither worship Him. But they...
19 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 18.

Tuesday November 19, 2019   So soon after the birth of their church, already the Corinthians were accepting that pernicious conception of Christianity that looks upon it as merely a new luxury, that they who are already comfortable in all outward respects may be comforted in spirit as well and purge their minds from all...
14 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 16.

Thursday November 14, 2019   Charles Murray an American political scientist, sociologist and writer, comments on his book Coming Apart, that the problem of a 35-year-old man sitting at home unemployed, when there are plenty of jobs around him to be had, is explained differently by the right and the left. The right may...
13 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 15.

  “If change is going to take place, I must visualize clearly the kind of person God wants me to become, and then determine by an act of the will, by a commitment, to become that kind of person. It involves presenting myself to Him as an instrument for righteousness (Rom 6:13), as a living...
12 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 14 .

Tuesday November 12, 2019   Human power, which is minus God’s power, inevitably has self as its ultimate goal, and so results in sin.   Freedom is the use of God’s power in everything.   Freedom is the ability to do good in every...
10 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 13.

Sunday November 10, 2019   Human power, which is minus God’s power, inevitably has self as its ultimate goal, and so results in sin.   Freedom is the use of God’s power in everything. Freedom is the ability to do...
07 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 12.

  Title: Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 12.   Human power, which is minus God’s power,...
06 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 11.

Wednesday November 6, 2019   Col 1:9 For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,   Col 1:10 so that you may walk in a manner...
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