
11 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:9; The unworthy messenger servant, part 3

Wednesday December 11, 2019   All believers are unworthy and bring nothing to offer God, and yet they have been called by God to go forth in all His will in the image of Christ in all holiness and blamelessness....
10 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:9; The unworthy messenger servant, part 2.

Tuesday December 10, 2019   In his booklet The Mark of the Christian, Francis Schaeffer writes of Christian love and unity. In one section he writes about how love can be costly at times, meaning sacrificial. In that section he writes about our love for those who of us, our brethren, who have made mistakes....
08 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:9; The unworthy messenger servant.

Sunday December 8, 2019   The purpose of God is to make men of the type of the God/Man/King, and that God would do so in the age of the church was a mystery. ...
05 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:2-13; The Mystery revealed and the purpose of God accomplished, part 4.

Thursday December 5, 2019   In the history of Christianity, many have attempted to alter the new type of man, this new man, in order to fit our own desires for the old man. Consider the Corinthians, who held strong to some of the aspects of this man and ignored the others. They embraced the new man’s eternal and...
04 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:2-13; The Mystery revealed and the purpose of God accomplished, part 3.

Wednesday December 4, 2019   In his book Secrets to Inner Beauty, Joe Aldrich writes: “Just for the fun of it, let’s write a want add to see if we get any recruits for servanthood.   Wanted: Men...
03 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:2-13; The Mystery revealed and the purpose of God accomplished, part 2.

Tuesday December 3, 2019   God’s purpose for the world was centered on mankind. Earth and the universe, the creation recorded for us in Gen 1-2, was only the stage for mankind. This is further seen beyond a doubt in that God became a man.   But what was God’s purpose for...
01 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:2-13; The Mystery revealed and the purpose of God accomplished.

Sunday December 1, 2019   Eph 3:11 This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord,   Eph 3:1-13 is full of echoes of the earlier part of the epistle. Almost every great phrase has its counterpart in the first two chapters: -...
27 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 23

Wednesday November 27, 2019   The cross is the power of God. We only yield our lives to God when we see that He yielded His for us in the Person of Christ.   Again, Christ and all that He...
26 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 22.

Tuesday November 26, 2019   Is your love for the Lord enough that you want nothing more than to be like Him? ...
24 2019

Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 21.

Sunday November 24, 2019   Title: Ephesians– overview of 3:1-9; tapping into the power of God, part 21.   Where are we?   Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual...
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