
10 2020

: Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, part 49: Inner man; the good heart developed by commitment to the Lord

Wednesday June 10, 2020     2Co 4:6-11 For God, who said [He spoke], "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of...
07 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, part 47: Inner man; the good heart revealed by the Lord.

Sunday June 7,2020   “Happy they to whom the darkness of this world reveals the boundless distances of the starry heaven, and who find that the blows which have shattered their earthly happiness have merely broken the shell which confined their true life and have given them entrance...
04 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, part 46: Inner man; the good heart revealed by the Lord.

Thursday June 4, 2020   If we act upon our calling to holiness, then our life will be like a house built upon the rock – a holiness in a heart unshakeable. Only God can build it. We must commit and...
03 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, part 45: Inner man; the good heart revealed by the Lord.

Wednesday June 3, 2020   Good treasure or bad treasure? ...
02 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, part 44: Inner man; the good heart revealed by the Lord.

Tuesday June 2, 2020   The life every believer lives is unto the Son of God as sons of God. There is no other life. God states this as a fact.    Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ...
31 2020
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