
17 2020

Ephesians overview – 4:1-3, The New Society: Unity through patience and forbearance.

Thursday September 17, 2020   Patience, makrothumia, is a fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5:22.   The partner of patience is forbearance. It is a mutual tolerance without which no group of human beings can live together in peace.   We saw...
16 2020

Ephesians overview – 4:1-3, The New Society: Unity

Wednesday September 16, 2020   There is only way we will know for sure that humility, meekness, patience, forbearance, and love will make for peace. We have to diligently be and do them, knowing the HS will accomplish it....
15 2020

Ephesians overview – 4:1-3, The Way of Christ’s Life.

Tuesday September 15, 2020   Everything in Eph 1-3:13 was the background. Blessed, elected, predestined, graced out, redeemed, forgiven, wisdom, insight (understanding the mystery of His will), possessing an inheritance, seeing His glory, sealed by the HS, the fulness of Christ, made alive together with Him, risen...
13 2020

Ephesians overview – 4:1-3, The Way of Christ’s Life.

Sunday September 13, 2020   We have concluded the first half of the letter. The first half is about the truth of the divine life in man; the second half turns to the way of that life under the commands. So far in the letter there has been only one imperative, but now we will find...
10 2020

Ephesians overview 3:20-21, The Doxology

Title: Ephesians overview – 3:20-21, The Doxology.   Eph 3:16-19 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man; 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may...
09 2020

Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, The character of being filled to the fullness of God.

[neTitle: Ephesians overview – 3:14-19, The character of being filled to the fullness of God.   Eph 3:16-19 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man; 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts...
06 2020

Prescott Conference 2020: Sunday AM: Summary of David’s life and the psalms that garnished it

Prescott Conference 2020 Class 4: Sunday Morning, September 6, 2020   The Tears of the Penitent, Psa 32, 51, 6   Adversity had taught David self-restraint, had braced his...
05 2020

Prescott Conference 2020: Saturday PM: Summary of David’s life and the psalms that garnished it

Prescott Conference 2020 Class 3: Saturday Night, September 5, 2020 Psalms: Youth - 8, 19, 29, 23 Exile: Surround House -...
05 2020

Prescott Conference 2020: Saturday AM: Summary of David’s life and the psalms that garnished it

Prescott Conference 2020 Class 2: Saturday Morning, September 5, 2020   Youth and Exile   We know nothing of David’s...
04 2020

Prescott Conference 2020: Friday PM: Summary of David’s life and the psalms that garnished it

Prescott Conference 2020 Class 1: Friday Night, September 4, 2020   Reference: “The Life of David as Reflected in the Psalms” by Alexander Maclaren, 1888.   Summary of David’s life and the psalms that garnished it.   First, why did...
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