
23 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 8. The believer must use problem solving devices and not defense mechanisms.

Title: Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 8. The believer must use problem solving devices and not defense mechanisms.   /(8) Projection is a defense mechanism by which a person takes their own flaws, sins and failures and assigns or projects them to others.\   Many times they are not even consciously...
22 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 7. The believer must use problem solving devices and not defense mechanisms.

Title: Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 7. The believer must use problem solving devices and not defense mechanisms.   /5.  The Relationship between the Indwelling of Christ and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.   /a. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit provides a temple for the indwelling of...
20 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 6. The believer must use problem solving devices and not defense mechanisms.

Title: Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 6. The believer must use problem solving devices and not defense mechanisms.   /5.  The Relationship between the Indwelling of Christ and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.   /a. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit provides a temple for the indwelling of...
17 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 5. Comparing the Church-age and the eternal state.

Title: Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 5. Comparingthe Church-age and the eternal state.   Sections of a Veterans Day speech delivered Nov 11, 1999 by Lt. Commander Chuck Red Jr.   My Grandfather was a man of honor.  He was highly respected in his community.  He was a leader in his church,...
16 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 4. Christ as the Shekinah Glory. John 14:20

Title: Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 4. There are two periods in which there is no sacred building; the Church-age and the eternal state.   Veterans Day 1985 “Ronald Reagan, ” We celebrate Veterans Day on the anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I, the armistice that began on the 11th hour...
15 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 3. Christ as the Shekinah Glory. John 14:20; Rom 6:1-8

Veterans Day: “Oliver North” The 2.4 million bright, brave, incredibly fit and remarkably talented young Americans who have served in our armed forces since we were attacked on 9/11/01 are indeed, all volunteers. As General Petraeus put it during a conversation we had in Afghanistan, "They all came or stayed, knowing they were going to...
13 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling Christ part 2. Christ in you is motivation. John 14:20; Eph 1:23; Judges 6:16

/The doctrine of the indwelling of Jesus Christ: John 14:20 is the first prophecy of the indwelling of Jesus Christ. \   In the OT Christ appeared as a man. He appeared in the pillar of cloud and fire and in the burning bush. He also indwelt sacred buildings.   /1. But during the Church-age Jesus Christ is...
10 2011

Doctrine of the indwelling of Christ

John 14:20"In that day [when you behold Me and clothe yourselves with Me] you shall know that I am in My Father [perfect relationship], and you in Me [union with Christ – perfect relationship], and I in you.   /“I in you” is a reference to the indwelling of Jesus Christ. At the moment of salvation...
09 2011

Enjoying the wedding clothes of Christ in time. John 14:19-20; Matt 22:10

John 14:19"After a little while the world will behold Me no more; but you will behold Me; because I live, you shall live also.   /The believer is given Christ’s seamless undergarment at the moment of salvation. Through the inculcation of doctrine he learns how to wear it...
08 2011

The clothing of Christ is given as a grace gift by the King [God the Father] when the believer enters the palace [PPOG] by faith. John 14:19; Luke 5:36; Matt 22:11

John 14:19"After a little while the world will behold Me no more; but you will behold Me; because I live, you shall live also.   The truth, which leads to the life, must be given to man, which can only come through faith in Christ, i.e. answering the call.   /The analogy of the seamless truth...
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