
26 2012

Christian fellowship must be based upon virtue love; John 15:12

Title: Christian fellowship must be based upon virtue love; John 15:12.   John 15:12"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.   The command to abide in the Lord’s love is a reference to this love within yourself which would have application towards...
25 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 26, happiness at the judgment seat of Christ, conclusion; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 26, happiness at the judgment seat of Christ, conclusion; John 15:11.   8. Happiness is a result of living in the Royal Family Honor Code while looking to the future with confidence in God’s deliverance.   Fear occurs in people who are occupied with self, but...
24 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 25, adapting to divine discipline and conclusion; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 25, adapting to divine discipline and conclusion; John 15:11.   6. Divine discipline removes happiness, yet rebound and recovery will turn the curse into a blessing and happiness will be restored.   Heb 12:5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which is...
22 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 24, maintaining God’s happiness in suffering; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 24, maintaining God’s happiness in suffering; John 15:11.   5. God’s happiness does not diminish in times of underserved suffering.   2 Cor 6:4 but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God [demonstrating ourselves as ministers of...
20 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 23, maintaining God’s happiness in suffering; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 23, maintaining God’s happiness in suffering; John 15:11.   5. God’s happiness does not diminish in times of underserved suffering.   Heb 10:34 For you showed sympathy to the prisoners, and accepted joyfully the seizure of your property,...
19 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 22, etymology, source, and happiness in suffering.; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 22, etymology, source, and happiness in suffering.; John 15:11.   e. Happiness is knowing that I can’t control my surroundings, but there is One who is in control of it all and He will work these things for my good if I love Him. together for good to those who love...
18 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 21, Definition; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 21, Definition; John 15:11.   d. Happiness is not a material possession or circumstance but a state of the soul. You carry your happiness or your misery with you wherever you go.   Based on circumstances you can be a changing person, in other words you have no idea...
17 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 20, Definition; John 15:11

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 20, Definition; John 15:11.   The Doctrine of the Happiness of God.   1. Definition: Happiness is the enjoyment of and pleasure in one’s status, circumstances, and relationships in life, which are not altered by outside...
15 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 19, Definition; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 19, Definition; John 15:11.   John 15:9 Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.   John 15:10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in...
13 2012

Sharing the happiness of God, part 18, Common interests with God; John 15:11.

Title: Sharing the happiness of God, part 18, Common interests with God; John 15:11.   1 John 1:5 And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.   1 John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in...
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