
21 2014

Angelic Conflict part 240: The fight of the believer – Job 1-2; 1Pe 5:8; Eph 4:26-27; 6:16;

Title: Angelic Conflict part 240: The fight of the believer – Job 1-2; 1Pe 5:8; Eph 4:26-27; 6:16;     Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord [angels], and Satan also came among them.   Job 1:7 And the Lord said to Satan, "From where do you...
19 2014

Angelic Conflict part 239: The fight of the believer – 1Ti 1:18-20; 6:11-16; Job 1-2.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 239: The fight of the believer – 1Ti 1:18-20; 6:11-16; Job 1-2.   In terms of arriving at an ultimate explanation for evil, as the church progressed the question got filed under the providence of God (that it is God’s will) instead of under the category of spiritual warfare, that is, under the...
17 2014

Title: Angelic Conflict part 238: The victory of the Christ – Phi 3:8-11; 1:29-30; 1Pe 4:12-13; Mar 9:20-29; Dan 10:12-14; 2Sa 5:22-25.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 238: The victory of the Christ – Phi 3:8-11; 1:29-30; 1Pe 4:12-13; Mar 9:20-29; Dan 10:12-14; 2Sa 5:22-25.     The NT has taught us over and over that we are to expect suffering especially when we are following God.   Phi 3:8 More than that, I count...
16 2014

Angelic Conflict part 237: The victory of the Christ – Psa 2; Heb 1:1-5; Joh 5:19-29; 12:44-50; Luk 13:1-5; Phi 3:8-11.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 237: The victory of the Christ – Psa 2; Heb 1:1-5; Joh 5:19-29; 12:44-50; Luk 13:1-5; Phi 3:8-11.       God's good has shown its power in the midst of gross evil and tenacious opposition.   This is the most quoted Psalm in the...
15 2014

Angelic Conflict part 236: The victory of the Christ – Pro 8:13; 1Pe 5:6-11; Psa 45:7; 11:5; 97:10; Rom 6:1-2; Psa 2; Luk 13:1-5.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 236: The victory of the Christ – Pro 8:13; 1Pe 5:6-11; Psa 45:7; 11:5; 97:10; Rom 6:1-2; Psa 2; Luk 13:1-5.     Also, knowing the power of God through Christ and the victory already won brings us tremendous peace and the reality of evil makes us very...
14 2014

Angelic Conflict part 235: The victory of the Christ – 1Ti 2:3-4; Pro 6:16-19; 5:5-6; 8:13; 1Pe 5:6-11; Psa 45:7; 11:5; 97:10.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 235: The victory of the Christ – 1Ti 2:3-4; Pro 6:16-19; 5:5-6; 8:13; 1Pe 5:6-11; Psa 45:7; 11:5; 97:10.   The King came and dethroned all powers, all authorities, and all opposition, and their judgment is certain. Again, in baptism or identification this means that any believer also has triumphed over...
12 2014

Angelic Conflict part 234: The victory of the Christ – Col 2:15; Mat 27:50-53; Eph 4:8-10; Psa 68:16-18; Luk 16:19-31.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 234: The victory of the Christ – Col 2:15; Mat 27:50-53; Eph 4:8-10; Psa 68:16-18; Luk 16:19-31.     Col 2:15 When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.   Jesus...
10 2014

Angelic Conflict part 233: Human history (the Christ) – Col 2:8-15; Eph 3:19; 4:8-10; 1Sa 5:1-5; Psa 68:16-18; Heb 12:18-24.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 233: Human history (the Christ) – Col 2:8-15; Eph 3:19; 4:8-10; 1Sa 5:1-5; Psa 68:16-18; Heb 12:18-24.     Col 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world,...
09 2014

Angelic Conflict part 232: Human history (the Christ) – Col 2:8-15; Eph 3:19; 4:8-10.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 232: Human history (the Christ) – Col 2:8-15; Eph 3:19; 4:8-10.   Col 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ....
08 2014

Angelic Conflict part 231: Human history (the Christ) – Act 2:22-28; Heb 2:14-18; Col 2:8-15.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 231: Human history (the Christ) – Act 2:22-28; Heb 2:14-18; Col 2:8-15.   Act 2:22 "Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know — ...
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