
06 2013

Angelic Conflict part 168: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:12; 1Co 15:35-44; 6:12-20; Phi 3:20-21; Gal 5:16-17; Rom 8:18-25.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 168: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:12; 1Co 15:35-44; 6:12-20; Phi 3:20-21; Gal 5:16-17; Rom 8:18-25.     Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able...
25 2013

Angelic Conflict part 167: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:12; 1Jo 4:1-6; Eph 1:15-23; Pro 16:32; 25:28; 1Co 15:35-44; 6:12-20.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 167: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:12; 1Jo 4:1-6; Eph 1:15-23; Pro 16:32; 25:28; 1Co 15:35-44; 6:12-20.       The spirit of truth listens to the word of God and the spirit of error does not, 1Jo 4:6.   1Jo 4:1 Beloved, do not believe...
24 2013

Angelic Conflict part 166: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:12; Rom 8:12-17; Eph 5:1-21; 1Th 5:5-8; 1Jo 4:1-6.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 166: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:12; Rom 8:12-17; Eph 5:1-21; 1Th 5:5-8; 1Jo 4:1-6.     The Holy Spirit identifies with the new spirit and not the old spirit of slavery, jealousy, fear, error, or slumber.   Rom 8:12 So then, brethren, we are under...
22 2013

Angelic Conflict part 165: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Co 2:9-16; Rom 8:12-17; Eph 5:1-21; 1Th 5:5-8; 1Jo 4:1-6.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 165: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Co 2:9-16; Rom 8:12-17; Eph 5:1-21; 1Th 5:5-8; 1Jo 4:1-6.     1Co 2:1And when I came to you, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God....
20 2013

Angelic Conflict part 164: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Co 2:9-16; 9:27; Rom 8:12-17; 1Pe 1:2-4; Eph 5:2-21.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 164: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Co 2:9-16; Rom 8:12-17; 1Pe 1:2-4; Eph 5:2-21.      The Spirit of God or the spirit of the world can influence our souls.   In the CA, which is the intensified stage of the angelic conflict, satan...
19 2013

Angelic Conflict part 163: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Co 2:9-16; 9:27; Rom 8:12-17; 1Pe 1:2-4; Eph 5:2-21.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 163: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Co 2:9-16; 9:27; Rom 8:12-17; 1Pe 1:2-4; Eph 5:2-21.       The Spirit of God or the spirit of the world can influence our souls.   In the CA, which is the intensified stage of the angelic conflict,...
18 2013

Angelic Conflict part 162: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; Num 16:22: 27:15-16 ; Joh 4:23-24; 1Co 2:9-16; Luk 10:17-24; Rom 8:12-17.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 162: Human history (soul and spirit) – Heb 4:9-12; Num 16:22: 27:15-16 ; Joh 4:23-24; 1Co 2:9-16; Luk 10:17-24; Rom 8:12-17.       Heb 4:11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience....
17 2013

Angelic Conflict part 161: Human history (Rest) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Ti 4:1-5; 1Co 10:14-22; Num 16:22: 27:15-16 ; 1Co 2:9-16; Rom 8:12-17.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 161: Human history (Rest) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Ti 4:1-5; 1Co 10:14-22; Num 16:22: 27:15-16 ; 1Co 2:9-16; Rom 8:12-17.    Heb 4:11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience.   While the believer is...
15 2013

Angelic Conflict part 160: Human history (Rest) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Ti 4:1-5; 1Co 10:14-22; Num 16:22: 27:15-16 ; 1Co 2:9-16; Rom 8:12-17.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 160: Human history (Rest) – Heb 4:9-12; 1Ti 4:1-5; 1Co 10:14-22; Num 16:22: 27:15-16 ; 1Co 2:9-16; Rom 8:12-17.     Heb 4:1 Therefore, let us fear lest, while a promise remains of entering His rest, any one of you should seem to have come short of it....
13 2013

Angelic Conflict part 159: Human history (Sabbath) – Heb 4:9-12; Joh 6:63; Lev 25:8-12; 1Ti 4:1-5; 1Co 10:14-22; Num 16:22: 27:15-16.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 159: Human history (Sabbath) – Heb 4:9-12; Joh 6:63; Lev 25:8-12; 1Ti 4:1-5; 1Co 10:14-22; Num 16:22: 27:15-16 .       Lev 26:34 'Then the land will enjoy its sabbaths all the days of the desolation, while you are in your enemies' land; then the land will...
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