
16 2014

Angelic Conflict part 277: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 8:1-11; Col 1:27; 1Co 14:15.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 277: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 8:1-11; Col 1:27; 1Co 14:15.       Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned —    Rom...
14 2014

Angelic Conflict part 276: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 6:23; 14:17; Heb 2:14-15; Col 1:27.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 276: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 6:23; 14:17; Heb 2:14-15; Col 1:27.     Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned —    Rom 5:13 for...
13 2014

Angelic Conflict part 275: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 3:12; Isa 1:5-6; Heb 12:2; Col 2:14; 1Sa 2:8.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 275: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 3:12; Isa 1:5-6; Heb 12:2; Col 2:14; 1Sa 2:8.       Romans: Expositions of Bible Doctrines © 1966 by Donald Barnhouse.     Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into...
12 2014

Angelic Conflict part 274: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 3:12; Isa 1:5-6; Heb 12:2; Col 2:14; 1Sa 2:8.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 274: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 3:12; Isa 1:5-6; Heb 12:2; Col 2:14; 1Sa 2:8.     Romans: Expositions of Bible Doctrines © 1966 by Donald Barnhouse.     Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death...
11 2014

Angelic Conflict part 273: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 8:18, 32.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 273: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 8:18, 32.       Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned —    Adam was constituted in...
09 2014

Angelic Conflict part 272: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 3:10-18.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 272: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 3:10-18; 8:18; 32   Hope is one of the theological virtues. This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking., but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not...
07 2014

Angelic Conflict part 271: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 2Ti 1:7-11; 6:1-11; 11:32-33: 3:10-18.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 271: Defeater of death – Rom 5:12-21; 2Ti 1:7-11; Rom 5:12-21; 6:1-11; 11:32-33: 3:10-18.       Death reigns as a foreign invader, given access to God's children by their fall in sin and it became the last enemy to be destroyed.   When two...
06 2014

Angelic Conflict part 270: Defeater of death – 1Co 15:20-28; 2Ti 1:7-11; Rom 5:12-21.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 270: Defeater of death – 1Co 15:20-28; 2Ti 1:7-11; Rom 5:12-21.     Death is treated as the last enemy to be destroyed.   1Co 15:20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep.   1Co...
05 2014

Angelic Conflict part 269: Defeater of death – 1Co 15:20-28; Rom 5:12-21; Heb 1:8.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 269: Defeater of death – 1Co 15:20-28; Rom 5:12-21; Heb 1:8.      Death is treated as the last enemy to be destroyed.   1Co 15:20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep....
04 2014

Angelic Conflict part 268: Master of all matter – Mar 4:39; Rom 8:22; Isa 27:1; Gen 1:6-8; Luk 5:1-11; 1Co 15:20-28.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 268: Master of all matter – Mar 4:39; Rom 8:22; Isa 27:1; Gen 1:6-8; Luk 5:1-11; 1Co 15:20-28.     Much in this description is evidence that points to satan as this  creature. However, the problem is that this creature is obviously not an angel or cherub.   God...
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