
18 2014

Angelic Conflict part 319: Current work of Christ – Rom 8:31-39; Psa 42:9-11; 44:20-26; 1Co 5:20-26.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 319: Current work of Christ – Rom 8:31-39; Psa 42:9-11; 44:20-26; 1Co 5:20-26.     Christ has released to all men through faith in Him and His word to live free of the tyranny of satan dethroned, though they still experience the effect of his world...
16 2014

Angelic Conflict part 318: Current work of Christ – Col 1:15-20; Rom 8:31-39; Psa 42:9-11; 44:20-26; 1Co 5:20-26.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 318: Current work of Christ – Col 1:15-20; Rom 8:31-39; Psa 42:9-11; 44:20-26; 1Co 5:20-26.     The One who created all things is to have supremacy over all things by being the head of the body, the Church, as well as the King of the Jews, and the Victor over all enemies of...
15 2014

Angelic Conflict part 317: Current work of Christ – Psa 110; Rom 8:35-39; Isa 63:1-6; Col 1:15-20.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 317: Current work of Christ – Psa 110; Rom 8:35-39; Isa 63:1-6; Col 1:15-20.     The resurrection of Christ is essential to all His work as the Victor in the AC.   The theme of the resurrected Messiah reigning victorious over His enemies was prophesied...
14 2014

Angelic Conflict part 316: Current work of Christ – 1Co 15:45-49; 1Ti 6:16; 2Ti 1:10; Act 2:24; Psa 110.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 316: Current work of Christ – 1Co 15:45-49; 1Ti 6:16; 2Ti 1:10; Act 2:24; Psa 110.     We noted how the New Testament speaks about the significance of the cross in a variety of ways.   The resurrection of Christ is as significant as His...
13 2014

Angelic Conflict part 315: Current work of Christ – 1Pe 2:21; Eph 3:10; 1Co 15:45-49; 1Ti 6:16; 2Ti 1:10; Act 2:24.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 315: Current work of Christ – 1Pe 2:21; Eph 3:10; 1Co 15:45-49; 1Ti 6:16; 2Ti 1:10; Act 2:24.     As we finish this doctrine we will focus on the current and future work of our Lord who in resurrection body sits at the right hand of God.   The New...
11 2014

Angelic Conflict part 314: Current work of Christ – Joh; 1Th 5:1-8; Heb 10:10-14; Rom 3:24; 1Pe 2:21; Eph 3:10.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 314: Current work of Christ – Joh; 1Th 5:1-8; Heb 10:10-14; Rom 3:24; 1Pe 2:21; Eph 3:10.     In a radical distinction from the synoptic gospels, John records no exorcisms by the Lord. The only case of demonization he speaks of is that of Judas being possessed by satan and even that...
09 2014

Angelic Conflict part 313: Warfare teachings from Christ – Mat 13:24-43; 1Ti 6:3-6; 2Th 1:6-10; Joh.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 313: Warfare teachings from Christ – Mat 13:24-43; 1Ti 6:3-6; 2Th 1:6-10; Joh.     Next we look at the parable of the wheat and the tares, which Christ explains to the disciples.   /The point is that Christ fully taught that there was an Angelic Conflict...
08 2014

Angelic Conflict part 312: Attack on inward transformation – Mat 5:29-37; 13:24-43; 1Ti 4:1-3.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 312: Attack on inward transformation – Mat 5:29-37; 13:24-43; 1Ti 4:1-3.     Christ also taught that the evil one would attempt to turn our worship of God in Christ into ethical system based on overt behavior only, making ostentatious oaths and...
07 2014

Angelic Conflict part 311: Attack on inward transformation – Mat 5:21-37; 1Co 6:1-7; Psa 51:1-4, 16-19.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 311: Attack on inward transformation – Mat 5:21-37; 1Co 6:1-7; Psa 51:1-4, 16-19.     Christ also taught that the evil one would attempt to turn our worship of God in Christ into ethical system based on overt behavior only, making ostentatious oaths and...
06 2014

Angelic Conflict part 310: The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven – Mat 16:15-19; 23:25-28; 5:21-26.

Title: Angelic Conflict part 310: The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven – Mat 16:15-19; 23:25-28; 5:21-26. In our study, we have now turned to see in our Lord’s teachings many valuable insights into the nature of the war that ravages the earth, insights that should influence our understanding of the problem of...
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