
19 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 54. Gal 5:16; Php 2:12-18; Heb 13:15-16.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 54. Gal 5:16; Php 2:12-18; Heb 13:15-16.   Announcements/opening prayer:    The positive command to "walk by means of the Spirit."   It is not “in the Spirit” as the KJV has it....
17 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 53. Gal 5:16; Php 3:9-17; 2:12-18.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 53. Gal 5:16; Php 3:9-17; 2:12-18.   So we conclude our study on the grieving of the Holy Spirit. We have fully studied the negative commands to not quench the HS and to not grieve the Holy Spirit and now we turn to...
16 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 52. Eph 4:30; Rom 8:12-18; Heb 12:1-13.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 52. Eph 4:30; Rom 8:12-18; Heb 12:1-13.   Announcements/opening prayer:      Prevention of sin: the word of God and the indwelling Spirit.   I am writing these things that you may not...
15 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 51. Eph 4:30; 1Jo 1:5-2:2; Rom 8:12-18.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 51. Eph 4:30; 1Jo 1:5-2:2; Rom 8:12-18.       The remedy for sin was Calvary. The solution to the effects of sin in our lives is simply confession or acknowledgment of it before the Father as we lay it aside and pursue the divine...
14 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 50. Eph 4:30; Col 3:5-11; 1Th 4:7-8; 1Jo 1:5-2:2.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 50. Eph 4:30; Col 3:5-11; 1Th 4:7-8; 1Jo 1:5-2:2.   The remedy for sin was Calvary. The solution to the effects of sin in our lives is simply confession or acknowledgment of it before the Father as we lay it aside and pursue the divine...
12 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 49. Eph 4:30; Eph 5:25-27; 2Co 7:1.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 49. Eph 4:30; Eph 5:25-27; 2Co 7:1.   Announcements/opening prayer:      The remedy...
10 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 48. Eph 4:30; Psa 32:3-5; Rom 3:21-28.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 48. Eph 4:30; Psa 32:3-5; Rom 3:21-28.   Eph 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.   The "and" means that the grieving of the Spirit of God is bearing on the...
09 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 47. Eph 4:30; Heb 10:23-25; Rom 3:21-28.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 47. Eph 4:30; Heb 10:23-25; Rom 3:21-28.   Eph 4:29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear....
08 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 46. Eph 4:30; Mar 3:1-6.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 46. Eph 4:30; Mar 3:1-6.     Eph 4:26 Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,   There are three words for anger in the Greek NT. Thumos speaks of a turbulent commotion, the boiling...
07 2014

Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 45. Eph 4:30; Mar 3:1-6.

Title: Gospel of John [Joh 16:12-15]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 45. Eph 4:30; Mar 3:1-6.   Eph 4:17 This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind,   Eph 4:18 being darkened in their understanding,...
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