
15 2015

Gospel of John [19:38-42]. Christ's burial, part 2.

Title: Gospel of John [19:38-42]. Christ's burial, part 2.   Announcements/opening prayer:     Joh 19:38 And after these things Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but a secret one, for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate...
14 2015

Gospel of John [19:30-42]. Christ's burial, part 1.

Title: Gospel of John [19:30-42]. Christ's burial, part 1. Announcements/opening prayer:   Joh 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head, and gave up His spirit.   In a display of power that was only granted to...
12 2015

Gospel of John [19:26-30]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 5

Title: Gospel of John [19:26-30]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 5.   Announcements/opening prayer:     Joh 19:26 When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" ...
10 2015

Gospel of John [19:25-27]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 4.

Title: Gospel of John [19:25-27]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 4.   Announcements/opening prayer:     Luke includes the rebuke of the one criminal upon the other who was verbally abusing Christ.   Luk 23:39 And one of the criminals who were hanged there...
09 2015

Gospel of John [19:16-25]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 3.

Title: Gospel of John [19:16-25]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 3.   Announcements/opening prayer:     John is silent about the verbal abuse that was hurled at Him while He hung on the cross about to pay the ransom for all sin.   The accounts of Matthew and...
08 2015

Gospel of John [19:16-25]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 2.

Title: Gospel of John [19:16-25]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 2.   Announcements/opening prayer:     Jesus has not slept in over 24 hours. Since the Passover supper He has not had any food or drink. After the deep emotion of that feast, after the anticipated betrayal of Judas, after...
07 2015

Easter Special - Fellowship is with a live Person, part 2.

Title: Easter Special - Fellowship is with a live Person, part 2.   Announcements/opening prayer:     All believers are alive now, not just physically, but spiritually. The life we now have is Christ Himself, Col 3:1-4.   So does this mean that every...
05 2015

Easter Special - Fellowship is with a live Person.

Title: Easter Special - Fellowship is with a live Person.     “George Washington”   If someone today claimed that he was in constant fellowship with George Washington, day by day, and was coming to know him more and more, what would your reaction be? You would think them mad...
03 2015

Gospel of John [19:12-16]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 1.

Title: Gospel of John [19:12-16]. Christ's Crucifixion, part 1.   Announcements/opening prayer:     Even after this second interview with Jesus, Pilate still attempts to release Him, but the Jews then pulled out their trump card - "you will be opposing...
02 2015

Gospel of John [19:1-16]. Christ's trials, part 13. Behold the Man.

Title: Gospel of John [19:1-16]. Christ's trials, part 13. Behold the Man.   Announcements/opening prayer:     When the scourging was ended the soldiers clothed Him and led Him back to the Praetorium in order to torture Him and mock Him some more.   Yet,...
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