
06 2015

Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - Be Strong and Courageous, part 3. Jos 1:1-15.

[ Title: Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - Be Strong and Courageous, part 3. Jos 1:1-15.      Announcements/opening prayer:     Jos 1:1 Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses'...
05 2015

Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - Be Strong and Courageous, part 2. Jos 1:1-15.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - Be Strong and Courageous, part 2. Jos 1:1-15.      Announcements / opening prayer:     Jos 1:1 Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant,...
04 2015

Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - Be Strong and Courageous. Jos 1:1-9.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - Be Strong and Courageous. Jos 1:1-9.      Announcements opening prayer:     Israel remained in the plains of Moab for thirty days while they mourned for Moses. Meanwhile the peoples just over the Jordan to the west are growing more...
02 2015

Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 6: Deu 32:36-43.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 6: Deu 32:36-43.     Announcements / opening prayer:     The severe discipline of Israel is not complete destruction as the next verse reveals.   Deu 32:36 "For...
31 2015

Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 5: Deu 32:1-43; Mat 21:33-46.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 5: Deu 32:1-43; Mat 21:33-46.     Moses shows that although the Rock of the Jews was very different from the gods of the Gentiles, even according to the testimony of the heathen themselves, who were their foes, why the Jews were nevertheless to be...
30 2015

Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 4: Deu 32:1-43; Isa 5:1-17; Mat 21:33-46.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 4: Deu 32:1-43; Isa 5:1-17; Mat 21:33-46.     Announcements/opening prayer:     Deu 32:24 'They shall be wasted by famine, and consumed by plague And bitter destruction; And the teeth of...
29 2015

Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 3: Deu 32:1-43.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 3: Deu 32:1-43.     Announcements/opening prayer:     The folly of rebellion is proven by the purpose of God in punishing the rebellious generation, verses...
28 2015

Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 2: Deu 32:1-43.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song, part 2: Deu 32:1-43.     Announcements / opening prayer:     This song contrasts the unchangeable fidelity or devotion of the Lord with the perversity of His faithless...
26 2015

Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song: Deu 32:1-43.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: Moses' departing song: Deu 32:1-43.     Announcements/opening prayer:   Calmly, as a father setting his house in order, did Moses prepare for his departure. During all his life his thoughts had been for Israel; and he was faithful even unto...
24 2015

Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: All nations will fall but Israel. Num 24:10 - 19.

[ Title: Joshua and Judges: Push to the Promised Land: All nations will fall but Israel. Num 24:10 - 19.     Announcements/opening prayer:     Num 24:10 Then Balak's anger burned against Balaam, and he struck his hands together [violent rage]; and Balak said to Balaam,...
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