
27 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant - Dispensationalism. Jos 5:1-3; Heb 1:2; 11:3.

Titl hua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant - Dispensationalism. Jos 5:1-3; Heb 1:2; 11:.      Announcementsopening prayer:     I will begin with a story, but it's not bed time.   The church was pre-millennial and for its first 200 years no other...
25 2015

Joshua and Judges: A recall to the Abrahamic Covenant - The errors of Amillennialism and Covenant Theology, part 2. Jos 5:1-3.

Title: Joshua and Judges: A recall to the Abrahamic Covenant - The errors of Amillennialism and Covenant Theology, part 2. Jos 5:1-3.      Announcements / opening prayer:     What God is going to do with the nation of Israel should make your hearts swell with pride over the God...
23 2015

Joshua and Judges: A recall to the Abrahamic Covenant - The errors of Amillennialism and Covenant Theology. Jos 5:1-3.

Title: Joshua and Judges: A recall to the Abrahamic Covenant - The errors of Amillennialism and Covenant Theology. Jos 5:1-3.      Announcements / opening prayer:     Jos 5:1 Now it came about when all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all...
22 2015

Joshua and Judges: A recall to the Abrahamic Covenant by the token of circumcision. Jos 5:1-3.

Title: Joshua and Judges: A recall to the Abrahamic Covenant by the token of circumcision. Jos 5:1-3.      Announcements / opening prayer:     Jos 5:1 Now it came about when all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the...
21 2015

Joshua and Judges: A monument to what God can do and a recall to the Abrahamic Covenant; what God will do. Jos 4:9-5:3.

Title: Joshua and Judges: A monument to what God can do and a recall to the Abrahamic Covenant; what God will do. Jos 4:9-5:3.      Announcements / opening prayer:     Jos 4:9 Then Joshua set up twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan at the place where the feet of the...
20 2015

Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - God puts us in impossible situations so that we may see what He can do. Jos 3:12- 4:22.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - God puts us in impossible situations so that we may see what He can do. Jos 3:12- 4:22.     Announcements / opening prayer:     At the parallel of Jericho at this time of year, the center of the river is 10-12 feet deep and the current...
18 2015

Joshua and Judges: Canaanites under the ban - The false gods will turn the heart away from following the true God. Jos 3:9-13

Title: Joshua and Judges: Canaanites under the ban - The false gods will turn the heart away from following the true God. Jos 3:9-13      Announcements / opening prayer:     Jos 3:9 Then Joshua said to the sons of Israel, "Come here, and hear the words of the Lord your...
16 2015

Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - The living God has vanquished the dead gods. Jos 3:1-13

Title: Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - The living God has vanquished the dead gods. Jos 3:1-13      Announcements / opening prayer:     What is the goal of man or mankind? Is it always to have enough food, drink, and sexual intercourse, amusement, art, science, and the...
15 2015

Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - The spies and Rahab, part 5. Jos 2:17-3:10.

[new] Title: Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - The spies and Rahab, part 5. Jos 2:17-3:10.      Announcements / opening prayer:     Jos 2:17 And the men said to her, "We shall be free from this oath to you which you have made us swear,...
14 2015

Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - The spies and Rahab, part 4. Jos 2:17-24; Zec 4:1-10.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Crossing the Jordan - The spies and Rahab, part 4. Jos 2:17-24; Zec 4:1-10.      Announcements / opening prayer:     The token for Rahab is a scarlet thread, the color of blood, the color of the veil before the holy of holies. It is a type of the cross...
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