
12 2015

Joshua and Judges: Circumcision of the heart, Jos 5:2-3; Deu 10:16; Rom 2:28-29; Php 3:2-3; Col 2:8-11.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Circumcision of the heart, Jos 5:2-3; Deu 10:16; Rom 2:28-29; Php 3:2-3; Col 2:8-11.   Announcements / opening prayer:   Jos 5:2 At that time the Lord said to Joshua, "Make for yourself flint knives and circumcise again the sons of Israel the second time."...
11 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 10. Isa 63:7-19; 52:7; 35:8-10; Deu 10:12-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 10. Isa 63:7-19; 52:7; 35:8-10; Deu 10:12-17.   Announcements/opening prayer: Veterans Day: On this day in 1918 the armistice with Germany went into effect, which would effectively end World War...
10 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 9. 2Sa 7:11-16; Dan 9:1-19; Luk 1:31-33.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 9. 2Sa 7:11-16; Dan 9:1-19; Luk 1:31-33.   Announcements / opening prayer:       The millennium will be the period of the full manifestation of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ....
08 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 8. Psa 45:1-7; 72:1-4; 9:6-7; Luk 1:31-33.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 8. Psa 45:1-7; 72:1-4; 9:6-7; Luk 1:31-33.   Announcements / opening prayer:       Outline of the Millennium, based upon Things to Come by J. Dwight...
06 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 7. Jer 31:31-34; Isa 54:1-8; Hos 2:13-23.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 7. Jer 31:31-34; Isa 54:1-8; Hos 2:13-23.   Announcements / opening prayer:       The fifth-century BC Greek historian Thu­cydides wrote that “most people will not take...
05 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 6. Eze 16:30-43; Jer 3:6-10.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 6. Eze 16:30-43; Jer 3:6-10.   Announcements / opening prayer:     Donald Barnhouse writes a story about himself and two other boys who desired to play a practical joke. They went to a busy...
04 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 5. Eze 16:6-34.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 5. Eze 16:6-34.   Announcements / opening prayer:     Stage one: The Marriage Contract - Deuteronomy. Moses took various facets of the three earlier books and presented them in the form...
03 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 4. Eze 20:32-44; Deu 5-7; Eze 16:6-34.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 4. Eze 20:32-44; Deu 5-7; Eze 16:6-34.   Announcements / opening prayer:     Eze 20:32 "And what comes into your mind will not come about, when you say: 'We will be like the nations, like...
01 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 3. Rom 11:25-29; Eze 20:32-44.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 3. Rom 11:25-29; Eze 20:32-44.      Announcements / opening prayer:     Ezekiel prophesies from Babylon during the time of the captivity of the gathering of the elect at the second coming...
30 2015

Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 2. Rom 11:25-29; Jer 32:38-40.

Title: Joshua and Judges: Abrahamic Covenant and its fulfillment in the Millennium, part 2. Rom 11:25-29; Jer 32:38-40.      Announcements / opening prayer:     Jer 32:38 "And they shall be My people, and I will be their God;   Jer...
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