
30 2016

The allotment of the land, part 23 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 23 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     There are many ways in which man tries to deal with the reality of his world which he calls the achievements and attitudes of noble...
29 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 22 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 22 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     The passing of judgment does not spring from the vices of the human heart or from its wickedness, rather judgment is equivalent to apostasy and is itself the source of...
28 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 21 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 21 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     In essence all fallen men are Pharisees who at some level seek salvation in their own definition of good when true good is only found in the person of...
27 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 20 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 20 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     Christ came into the world to do the will of the Father and by that will He sanctified us and entered us into the Holy of Holies in heaven with Him where there is not...
25 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 19 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 19 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements/opening prayer:     In our study of the book of Joshua we arrived at the allotment of the land to the tribes. Caleb received the land that Moses had promised and then Judah was given the...
23 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 18 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 18 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     Joh 17:13 "But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy made full in themselves....
22 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 17 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 17 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     Fallen man is in disunion with God, himself, and others. In essence all fallen men are Pharisees at some level and they seek salvation in their own definition of good...
21 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 16 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 16 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     Last night we began to look at the disunity of man from God and the knowledge of good and evil in his fallen mind. The good news or the gospel is that Christ died for...
20 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 15 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 15 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     Heb 2:10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of their...
18 2016

Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 14 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.

Title: Joshua and Judges: The allotment of the land, part 14 - Predestination; Jos 14-17.     Announcements / opening prayer:     Heb 2:10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of their...
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