
22 2017

Ruth: 1:20-21; The doctrine of bitterness, part 5 - wisdom is revealed by good behavior, nothing need be said.

Title: Ruth: 1:20-21; The doctrine of bitterness, part 5 - wisdom is revealed by good behavior, nothing need be said.     Bitterness is associated with the spoken words from a man whose heart is rotten....
21 2017

Ruth: 1:20-21; The doctrine of bitterness, part 4 - words from the world.

Title: Ruth: 1:20-21; The doctrine of bitterness, part 4 - words from the world.   ...
20 2017

Ruth: 1:20-21; The doctrine of bitterness - resultant speech, part 3.

Ruth: 1:20-21; The doctrine of bitterness - resultant speech, part 3.   ...
19 2017

Ruth: 1:16-21; The doctrine of bitterness, part 2.

Title: Ruth: 1:16-21; The doctrine of bitterness, part 2.   ...
17 2017

Ruth: 1:16-21; The doctrine of bitterness.

Title: Ruth: 1:16-21; The doctrine of bitterness.     Rut 1:20 And she said to them, "Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.   Rut 1:21 I went out full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why do you call me Naomi, since the Lord has...
15 2017

Ruth: 1:16-21; The reproach of Christ. The doctrine of bitterness.

Title: Ruth: 1:16-21; The reproach of Christ. The doctrine of bittereness.     Love overcomes bitterness. Ruth's love for the Lord of Israel and Naomi allows her to see what Naomi cannot.   Rut 1:16 But Ruth said, "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from...
13 2017

Ruth: Historical background, 1:1-21; tragedy, and death overcome by love.

Title: Ruth: Historical background, 1:1-21; tragedy, and death overcome by love.     We continue in our introduction.   The two, Jew and Gentile (Boaz and Ruth), became one flesh....
10 2017

Ruth: Introduction, part 3; the spirit of Ruth's great-grandson David.

Title: Ruth: Introduction, part 3; the spirit of Ruth's great-grandson David.   As the contents of the book of Ruth leads to the threshold of David's birth and his history, the spirit of the book also leads to David's spirit, as in the Psalms.   Just to get a flavor...
08 2017

Ruth: Introduction, part 2; the spirit of Ruth's great-grandson David.

Title: Ruth: Introduction, part 2; the spirit of Ruth's great-grandson David.   The book of Ruth ends with a wonderful surprise, the genealogy of Christ.     Rut 4:18 Now these are the generations of Perez: to Perez was born...
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