
18 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 7.

Wednesday July 18, 2018   Qualifications for a kinsman redeemer: Near kinsman – The Son of God became a man. Able to redeem –Jesus remained impeccable. Willing to redeem – He wilfully laid...
17 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 6.

Tuesday July 17, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 6.   Qualifications for a kinsman redeemer: ...
15 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 5.

Sunday July 15, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 5.   Qualifications for a kinsman redeemer: Near kinsman – The Son of God became a man. Able to redeem –Jesus remained...
13 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 4.

Friday July 13, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 3.   Qualifications for a kinsman redeemer: Near...
12 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 3.

Thursday July 12, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 3.   We are currently studying the doctrine of the Kinsman Redeemer, the main theme of the Book of...
11 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 2

Wednesday July 11, 2018   Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer   Rut 4:14 Then the women said to Naomi, "Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer [goel] today, and may his name...
08 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer

Sunday July 8, 2018   Sunday July 8, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer   Rut 4:13 So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife, and he went in to her. And the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.   Rut...
06 2018

Ruth 4:13-15. Marriage and children are a gift from God.

Friday, July 6 Rut 4:11 And all the people who were in the court, and the elders, said, "We are witnesses. May the Lord make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and may you achieve wealth in Ephrathah and become famous in Bethlehem. ...
05 2018

Ruth 4:8-12. Final chapter – The virtuous woman creates a home as a type of Christ, part 11.

Thursday July 5, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:8-12. Final chapter – The virtuous woman creates a home as a type of Christ, part 11.   Pro 31:24 She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies...
03 2018

Ruth 4:8-12. Final chapter – The virtuous woman creates a home as a type of Christ, part 10.

Tuesday July 3, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:8-12. Final chapter – The virtuous woman creates a home as a type of Christ, part 10.   We have covered 13 couplets so...
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