
02 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 18.

Thursday August 2, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 18.   One of the most vital revelations concerning Christ was that He was Himself willing to redeem....
01 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 17

Wednesday August 1, 2018 Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 17.   We complete our work in Heb 7 tonight.   ...
31 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 16.

Tuesday July 31, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 16.     The writer of Hebrews in chapter 7 indicates that Melchizedek was greater than Abraham and therefore greater...
29 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 15.

Sunday, July 29,2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 15.     Psa 110:1 A Psalm of David.   The Lord says to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand, Until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy...
27 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 14.

Friday July 27, 2018   The Law made nothing complete. Daily sacrifices reminded of sin and did not clean the conscience. Jesus’ sacrifice removes sin and cleanses fully.   The Levitical priesthood and the Law made nothing complete. Sacrifices and ceremonial cleansing was...
26 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 13.

Thursday July 26, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 13.   God had been meeting you your whole life. When you came to believe in Christ as your Savior, you met God like you've...
25 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 12.

Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 12.   One man proposes a bet to another man. He says, “I’m going to ask myself a question, and if I answer my own question, you have to buy me a coke.” The other man looks at him confused, “Wait,...
24 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 11.

Tuesday July 24, 2018   Heb 7:11 Now if perfection was through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the people received the Law), what further need was there for another priest to arise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be designated according to the...
22 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 10.

Sunday July 22, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 10.   We are currently investigating the second qualification, the impeccability of our Lord that qualified Him as Redeemer and gave Him the coin of the realm, which was “the blood of...
20 2018

Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 9.

Friday July 20, 2018   Title: Ruth 4:14-15. Kinsman Redeemer, part 9.     We are currently investigating the second qualification, the impeccability of our Lord that qualified Him as...
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