
27 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – The calling of the elect, part 5: What are we called to?

Sunday January 27, 2019    The calling of the elect, part 5: What are we called to?   3g. The elect are called, beloved, and kept, Jud 1.   Since practically every use of the verb kaleo, to call, is in reference to the believer and the...
25 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – The calling of the elect, part 4: What are we called to?

Friday January 25, 2019   “Reason’s last step is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things which are beyond it. It is merely feeble if it does not go as far as to realize that.” [Blaise Pascal]   Pascal, a genius in mathematics...
24 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – The calling of the elect, part 3: Scriptures.

Thursday January 24, 2019   3g. The elect are called, beloved, and kept, Jud 1.   The general call to the world.   Joh 1:9 There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every...
23 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – The calling of the elect, part 2: Can the drawing from God be resisted?

Wednesday January 23, 2019   Ephesians; 1:4 – The calling of the elect, part 2: Can the drawing from God be resisted?   ...
22 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer. The calling of the elect.

Tuesday January 22, 2019   3g. The elect are called, beloved, and kept, Jud 1.   Jud 1 Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus...
20 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer, part 48. Conclusion of the elected priest, The calling of the elect.

Sunday January 20,2019   Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer. Conclusion of the elected priest. The calling of the elect. I read an article yesterday about a company making microchips that would implanted inside a person all their...
18 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer, part 47. The elected priest.

Friday January 18, 2019   Isa 28:9 "To whom would He teach knowledge? And to whom would He interpret the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just taken from the breast?   Isa 28:10 "For He says, 'Order on order, order on order [command upon command], Line...
17 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer, part 46. The elected priest.

Thursday January 17, 2019   Isa 28:9 "To whom would He teach knowledge? And to whom would He interpret the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just taken from the breast?   Isa 28:10 "For He...
16 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer, part 45. The elected priest

Wednesday January 16, 2019   Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer, part 45. The elected priest   Jesus Christ is...
15 2019

Ephesians; 1:4 – Election of church age believer, part 44. The elected priest.

Tuesday January 15, 2019   3g. The elect are royal priests in the kingdom of God, 1Pe 2:1-10.   1Pe 2:1 Therefore, putting asideall malice [kakia = wickedness] and all guile [dolon = deceit] and hypocrisy and envy and all slander [evil speaking],...
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