Gospel of John [Joh 16:8]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 3. Isa 11:1-2; Joh 14:15-17; Heb 10:26-31.
length: 74:50 - taught on Jul, 27 2014
Class Outline:
Title: Gospel of John [JOH 16:8]. The Doctrine of the HS, part 3. ISA 11:1-2; JOH 14:15-17; HEB 10:26-31.
1. The Holy Spirit is deity and a person.
a. He bears the names of deity.
b. He exhibits the attributes of deity.
c. He accomplishes the works of deity.
Man did not invent God's titles. God has revealed His own titles.
Spirit of Wisdom andUnderstanding; Counsel and Might; Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord (ISA 11:2).
ISA 11:1 Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse,
And a branch from his roots will bear fruit.
“stem” - geza = stump of a tree cut close to the roots. Fate of all Gentile Kingdoms and the house of David.
This is the fate of the imperial power of the world. When the axe is laid to it, it falls without hope. But the promise is that in Israel spring is returning.
The world-power resembles the cedar-forest of Lebanon; the house of David, on the other hand, because of its apostasy, is like the stump of a felled tree, like a root without stem, branches, or crown.
The world-kingdom, at the height of its power, presents the most striking contrast to Israel and the house of David in the uttermost depth of lowliness that it was reduced to the smallness of Bethlehem. But whereas the Lebanon of the imperial power is thrown down, to remain prostrate; the house of David renews its youth. And whilst the imperial power of the world order has no sooner reached the summit of its glory, than it is suddenly cast down; the latter, the house of David, having been reduced to the utmost danger of destruction, is suddenly exalted.
Thus the promise is fulfilled in the tree of Davidic royalty, that has its roots in Jesse [David's father]. Out of the stumps of Jesse, i.e., out of the remnant of the chosen royal family which has sunk down to the insignificance of the house from which it sprang, there comes forth a twig, which promises to supply the place of the trunk and crown; and down below, in the roots covered with earth, and only rising a little above it, there shows itself a fresh green shoot. In the historical account of the fulfilment, even the ring of the words of the prophecy is noticed: the small shoot, at first so humble and insignificant, was a poor despised Nazarene.
and came and resided in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, "He shall be called a Nazarene."
But the expression "will bear fruit" shows at once that it will not stop at this lowliness of origin. The shoot will bring forth fruit.
ISA 11:2 And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him,
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of counsel and strength,
The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
The Holy Spirit will rest upon Him and then follow the six workings of the Spirit of Jehovah in three pairs.
The first relates to the intellectual life, the second to the practical life, and the third to the direct relation to God.
Wisdom - the power of discerning the nature of things.
Understanding - the power of discerning the difference of things.
Counsel - the gift of forming right conclusions.
Power - the ability to carry them out with energy.
Knowledge - knowledge founded upon the fellowship of love.
Fear - reverence.
Taken in context of verse 1 we have a tree with three pairs of branches. The candlestick in the temple had a similar structure.
The Spirit of Jehovah is the heart of it all and the six manifestations complete a seven branched tree, the number of God's perfection. In the lampstand, this was the only source of light in the Holy Place and depicted Christ as the light of the world. His humanity was given intellectual power, applied power, and a knowledge and reverence of the Father.
It's a top down structure with the more advanced traits given first and the base given last. The last one is the fear or reverence of the Lord and that is the basis for the whole.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction.
And to man He said, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;
And to depart from evil is understanding.'"
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.
In these seven forms the Holy Spirit descended upon the second David for a permanent possession.
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
Because the Lord [Father] has anointed me
To bring good news to the afflicted;
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to captives,
And freedom to prisoners;
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord,
You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good, and healing all who were oppressed by the devil; for God was with Him.
Spirit of Truth(JOH 14:17).