Mat 12:22-29, The Only Way to Victory.

Class Outline:

Wednesday February 12, 2025

The power of the first Christians, not in arms but in faith, changed an Empire. This is Christ’s First Battalion - the poor, meek, mournful peacemakers to whom belongs the kingdom of heaven.


Intro: True King came into the world and faced the king of this world (the devil), but not in armed conflict like Achilles vs. Hector in the Trojan War. 



MAT 12:22-29.

Many of the people postulate the question of the possibility of Jesus being Messiah (Son of David). 


Response of the Pharisees is that He gets His power by working for Satan. 


Jesus’ response is the logic of divided kingdoms falling, and presents another possibility that they would do well to consider: “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God …


Trinity: I, Spirit, God. Trinity is a community and one God working to glorify Himself. 


Strong man illustration: Jesus defeats the devil at the cross, but the devil is not yet imprisoned. 


Do not underestimate the power of the devil.


The devil has no power over faithful believers. 


Satan’s kingdom building efforts. 


He attempts to be a prophet, priest, and king and God has allowed him to try. 


He builds with pride, and independent lusts for earthly treasures (only thing he can offer). 


What kind of kingdom does this make? 


Christ’s kingdom comes by way of the cross (cross before the crown; crown built on the foundation of the cross). 


Christ the King comes into the world as a Servant. ISA 9:6; 11:1-2; 42:1-3; 52:13-15; 53:5.


The cross’ victory through public display - the real Prophet, Priest, and King. 


COL 2:13-15 - Christ’s display will profoundly impact any believer. 


ROM 3:21-26; GAL 3:1-2


Cross is victory over death, HEB 2:14; REV 1:17-18; ROM 5:12-21.


Christ’s cross enables Him to create the first victors, the new humanity of the church.


Act 1 - wait until you are baptized by HS. Act 2-4, the power of Peter and the church. 


Christ’s victory over Satan at the cross provides many blessings to us; two of which: 


Our adversary is defeated and as we walk by faith we always overcome his schemes. 


The world is in a prisoner-of-war situation all who do not know Christ is the Victor. 


Our life of daily faith is lived out in victory (First Battalion - the first to become the new creation in Christ - church age believer).


Our daily victory seeks to set the captives free (2CO 4:4 vs. 2TI 2:24-26. Parable of the sower.)