Mat 6:9; Your Current Needs Are in Heaven with Our Father.
length: 56:19 - taught on Aug, 7 2024
Class Outline:
Wednesday August 7, 2024
Idea: The real needs of all Christians are in heaven and it is there that they must seek them in prayer.
Relationship of heaven to God.
God is the creator and possessor of both heaven and earth, GEN 14:9; DEU 10:12.
Heaven is distinct from earth, MAT 5:34-35; 6:10.
Heaven is the abode of the throne of God and His glory, MAT 23:22; ACT 7:55.
Heaven is the vault above the earth where God sits and sees, ISA 40:22. Your Father is in the heavens and He sees with the purest light.
God created heaven, HEB 1:10. We do not pray to the heavens (sort of pantheism) we pray to the Father who is in the heavens.
Who and what we seek is not of this world, of the earth (COL 3:1-4).
Our needs are with our Father in heaven. One of our needs is suffering, whether in the form of discipline or simply for training our faith and endurance.
All six petitions in the Lord’s prayer are sourced from God in heaven.
Our needs are from heaven, not earth (COL 3:1-4).
Our greatest need: Christ, JOH 3:13; 6:38, 42, 50.
The bread of life - our ultimate need;
Christ is from heaven as opposed to the first Adam who is earthy, 1CO 15:47.
Christ ascended back to heaven, LUK 24:51; ACT 1:10. And He will then return to earth, MAT 24:30.
The Holy Spirit was sent to us from heaven, 1PE 1:12 and in this same way He descended upon the Lord, MAT 3:16; ACT 2:2.
The Father knows what you need before you ask Him. You need Him. You need heaven and the blessings that come from heaven (EPH 1:3).
Heaven is the home of all believers in Christ.
Christians who have died are in heaven. We are citizens of heaven, PHI 3:20. Every believer is enrolled in heaven, LUK 10:20; HEB 12:23. Your home is in heaven and that home will one day descend to the earth, John 14:1-6; REV 21:1-2.
Praying, “Our Father in heaven” we are made to know, to be reminded, all of us, that we have almighty God as our Father, that He is not just my Father, but the Father to all in the body of Christ, and that He and all I need has their source in heaven, not on earth.
Your needs are from the Father and of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and their source is heaven. We pray for them. We pray that they might see as we do that they have a Father in heaven who sent His Son for them, a Son who came from heaven and is the King of the kingdom of heaven.