Mat 5:6, The Thing That Drives You the Most.
length: 78:42 - taught on Apr, 7 2024
Class Outline:
Sunday April 7, 2024
Introduction: Righteousness (Greek dikaiosune) defined: Quality or characteristic of upright behavior along with juridical responsibility focusing on fairness and justice.
Dikaiosune was a term pertaining to the person who followed the law and was an upright citizen. God’s righteousness, as a characteristic - He is the true norm, PSA 19:7-10.
Righteous requirement: the law, ROM 3:19-20.
Righteousness is relational - it depends on the giver of the law. Before God, to be dikaiosune, you have to be able to stand before the law and the Giver of it.
The Beatitudes are not a formula to follow for blessing. The Lord warns us in MAT 6:1. Two extremes (legalism and license).
Beatitudes are the gospel - the world is full of poor …
We must see our lives from the standing of position (ROM 4:5-7) and condition (ROM 6:18-20).
Neither Jews then or Gentiles in modern times had a clear understanding of the Judge, the court, or the law, ROM 10:1-4.
Jewish doctrine of righteousness - merit system of justification by works.
Paul’s doctrine of righteousness, ROM 4:5-7; GAL 2:21; 3:21; Php 3:9; TIT 3:5. Forensic righteousness (positional). All believers are made righteous, not in theory but in fact.
Righteousness is a gift from the Father through the Son, MAT 5:17; 1CO 1:30; 2CO 5:21.
Upright conduct that pleases God righteousness (experiential). The born again believer becomes a slave to righteousness, ROM 6:18-20. The righteous one can respond in righteous (upright) conduct and serve God faithfully by the Word and the Holy Spirit (ROM 6:18-20; 8:9-10; 2CO 6:7).
Application: Hunger and thirst. Bread of life (JOH 6:35). Living water (JOH 4:10).
Are you unwilling to let go of the flesh and the world? Are you struggling to let it go?
Solution: There are many; all found in His word. Cycle back. Are you poor, mournful, weak in your position in Christ, meaning, you possess nothing on earth, are heartbroken sometimes by the inability of earth to fulfill and save, and are you weak on your own to be able to give yourself simple things like peace and joy? If you realize that, you will be blessed. Keep at it. Keep studying it, contemplating it, and definitely praying about it, and you will find what you hunger for.