Title: Mat 4:18-22; Two Roads Diverged and I Took ---- ?

Class Outline:

Wednesday March 13, 2024

Introduction: Way; 2 ways from which to choose, is an old truth. 


Biblically, in the OT the metaphorical use of way means the way of life - way of God, way of good, way of evil, etc. 


Our passage: “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men,” means to follow a way that is going to produce a ministry that Christ would approve (not what we or the world would approve) and so it is the way that is Him (JOH 14:6). 


Jesus opened the new and living way for all who believe in Him when He tore the veil, HEB 10:19-20. [eisodos - entrance, of eis and hodos]


Way in the OT (just a sampling …)


Wisdom literature (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes), PRO 1:31; 14:12; 16:9. 


Torah: DEU 5:32-33


Prophets: JER 26:13


Various ways: 


Way of the Lord that His people are to walk in (PSA 119:15; Psa 67; PRO 23:26).


Good way, straight way, righteous way, way (path) of justice, true (faithful) way (PSA 119:30, post), everlasting way (PSA 139:23-24, read), way of wisdom, way of the Lord, way (path) of life (PSA 16:11), evil way (JoNAH 3:8). 


Many, especially in the Psalms, protest that they have kept God’s way and they long for judgment. 


God does not grow weary of teaching His way (ISA 48:17; PSA 25:9). 


God takes His own ways (DEU 32:4; ISA 55:8; PSA 25:10). 


Two ways brought out in OT and by the Lord and NT. 


Good way (JER 6:16) and the not good way (PSA 36:4). Together in PSA 1:6. Demands a decision - which makes the way also our own. 


Jesus’ metaphor of the two ways, MAT 7:13-14


Narrow gate and narrowing way - The initial entrance is restricted by Him being the only Savior and the way is hard because it demands that all the tethers to the world be cut. 


Why are both the gate and the way narrow. The gate is narrow because the only door is Christ. So many find that very difficult.


The way is narrowed because of the opposition of your flesh and the persecution of the world (MAT 5:10)


Why would anyone take up this invitation? - the One who invites and His promise that there is no other way to life. 


Application: The way of Christ is personal growth in Him and ministry and service to others, ROM 12:1-2 (will of God); 12:3-8 (purpose of God and spiritual gifts); 12:9-21 (people of God). 


Not “I will make you great men,” but “fishers of men” servants of others. 


The last will be first.