Mat 4:1-11; Worshiping God Is Performing Without a Net.
New Testament Mat 240225
length: 77:52 - taught on Feb, 25 2024
length: 77:52 - taught on Feb, 25 2024
Class Outline:
Sunday February 25, 2024
Idea: Only in worshiping God can man’s needs be met.
1. Intro in four parts.
- Man was made to live with God in fellowship and depend upon Him.
- Fellowship means to know and understand someone, and then cooperate with them in the attainment of a goal.
- The fall of man broke that fellowship.
- Results:
- Infection of sin and evil making us afraid, lost, and unable to have pure relationships with others.
- Results:
- Independence, making us alone, isolated, and protecting things that have no value.
- Pursuing (chasing and seeking) joy, fulfillment, love, security, companionship.
- These came from God worship, now they are pursued.
- The problem of pursuit causes frustration, disappointment, discouragement, anger, animosity, wrath, slander, lying (COL 3:5-9).
Man cannot find joy. Period.
- If you lack joy, are unfulfilled, depressed, addicted, even homeless, the problem is not that you are worthless. Your fellowship with your Father has been broken. (2PE 1:8.)
- Man has needs and seeks to fulfill them. He cannot.
- Leads to frustration, which leads to anger, hopelessness, addiction, depression, etc.
- His only hope is to return to worship of God, however there is no way back to Eden (GEN 3:24; ECC 1:12-15).
[PSA 10:4 - fallen man does not seek God anyway, God seeks him, and for various reasons often rejects God’s call.]
- Find God, find joy. Search for joy and find neither.
- All forms of false worship and false gods, which make lots of promises, cannot deliver.
- The love of God, through the cross, has brought the believer “in Christ” (ROM 6:11; COL 2:9-10).
- “I in you and you in Me” (JOH 14:20).
- Much more than a return to Eden (EPH 2:6; Php 3:20).
- The new man can now seek the Lord, know the Lord (set your mind), and be like the Lord (revealed with Him) (Col 3:1-4).
- Beware of old pursuits, which still linger and can take hold.
- Believers pursue joy etc. while failing to pursue God which results in antinomianism or licentiousness.
- Believers can pursue God but not humbly, resulting in passivity (let go and let God; all God), or perfectionism (all you).
- Main - Christ’s temptations teach us how to seek and know God and get back to the source of our needs.
- God allows obstacles to remain and they show their fruit.
- The temptations: doubt is the lever of temptation.
- God’s plan is not exactly right - make bread.
- To us: give yourself that _____. God wouldn’t really want you to suffer and go without.
- God’s plan is not exactly right - make bread.
- Answer: man lives on every word (pursue Him); Deu 8. (COL 3:1-2).
- God’s plan should be tested to confirm it.
- To us: Wait and see Christianity.
- Answer: Deu 6, trust the word (know Him). Once you’ve come to the place of worship (you pursued Him) you have to know the one you are worshiping (COL 3:2).
- There is a shortcut to the goal of the plan.
- To us: Joy, fulfillment, love, should be ours quickly, or at least in our preconceived timing. We become like the seed in the thorns.
- Answer, worship God only. Find God and find everything else.
- Summary: live on every word from God, believe all of it, and worship Him.
- The first two get us back to the altar of worship and then the third, we worship.
- We return to the original fulfillment of our needs.
- Hunger and thirst for righteousness - He is the bread and living water.
- God has allowed obstacles to remain.
- In the obstacles, God reveals His love. (JOH 13:35; 17:23).
- Love of Christ in JOH 17:19.
- We need love and acceptance; significance and identity; competence and fulfillment.
- We had to be supernaturally changed so that we could return to the throne of God to worship Him.
- God is propitiated, we are redeemed and justified; imputed with righteousness, reconciled to God and each other, crucified and resurrected.
- These truths should set your heart on fire. If they don’t, your only checking off doctrinal boxes and not comprehending at a deeper, personal level.
- In the University of Life, the best courses are not electives.
- The worship of God must be reinforced every day or it will slip away. “It is easier to unlearn spiritual truth than to learn it.”
- Christ made you new and came to live in you. You worship with Him, in Him.
- “Ought” becomes “want to.” You want to do what you have to do - that is what true worship really is; all the time, every day.