Mat 6:10; Every Christian Is in Possession of a Wonderful Life.

Sunday August 18, 2024


Heb 10:7

"Then I said, 'Behold, I have come

 (In the roll of the book it is written of Me)

To do Thy will, O God.'" [Psa 40:7-8]


Mat 6:9-10.


Three first petitions in the Lord’s Prayer go together as a root, stem, and fruit. 


When we make God’s name holy the foundation for His kingdom is established. A holy God ruling over a majestic kingdom is opened to the eye.


Then, with the proper perspective of our holy God, we, the subjects of the kingdom, prostrate ourselves before the King.


But this is not all. It is not enough that the kingdom be established and its glory delighted in and its light spread far and wide, but the will of the King must be done. 



What do you think the difference is between:

“You do Your will.” And “Your will be done.”


3rd person (Your will be done) implies human response.


The will of God has to be done by us - our will must change. 


The petitions are certainly a plea for God’s action, but involving human response. They are pleas for God’s name to be made holy, the acceptance of His kingship, and the doing of His will, but not all by Him.


It is not going to just happen because you prayed, or that you confessed. 


However, His will cannot be done on your own (trust and obey, Phi 2:12-13; Gal 5:16-17; Rom 8:13.


The Holy Spirit is not going to force you somehow. Empowered and enlightened still means that you have to do (“Go and do the same” (Luk 10:37)).


We are given our role by the decree of God (God designs the circumstances, people, events, and time of our life). 


Placed in the body as He wills, 1Co 12:4f. Eph 4:14-16. The Lord’s Prayer reminds and instructs us in accepting God’s decree for our personal lives.


God gives to each one what he or she must do. It is not necessary for us to know the mighty scheme He has for us - for you.


God’s will is not better done somewhere else or to someone else


Do you think that if your husband, wife, parents, children, neighbors, co-workers, subordinates, superiors, teachers, etc. were different people then you could really do the will of God?


Do you think that if your circumstances were changed; you lived in a different place, you had a better car, you had more money, you had less health issues, you were better looking, etc. that you could then really get down to doing the will of God?


If someone says that they could do the will of God better somewhere else, what will of God do you speak of? 


Are you not to do the will of God right where you are and to whom is in front of you? Do we get to choose the time and place of obedience?


God’s will is not for some but for all His children. 


No life is vain or meaningless. (1Co 12:21, The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you.’)


This means that He has something for you to do. He would not give you knowledge of His will and give you life in which to walk in His will if He did not have a grand plan for your life.


By beginning your day with this petition, you cannot neglect to desire and know His commandments; to recall that you are under orders by your Father who has a distinct purpose for your life, and to follow it, you cannot be open to every influence that is going to present itself. Nor can that day be mere vanity. What higher purpose can a person have than to fulfill God’s will, and all the saints are included in it.



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