Mat 5:10-12; You Only Live Twice.Sunday May 5, 2024
We read, “Blessed are the peacemakers …” and then “blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.” These lines are a precise description of the sinful world. People are at war, you call them together in the peace of Christ, and they in turn, turn their weapons on you.
Luk 6:26 “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers used to treat the false prophets in the same way.”
Mankind is sick. It is the sickness of separation from God, his righteous maker.
Idea: Earthly persecution reveals the beauty and power of the life of heaven.
You are not going to be persecuted for righteousness if you are not living a godly life. (It is not, blessed are the persecuted, but “for righteousness sake.”).
Mat 5:10.
First we must understand that we must minister to others. What is ministry? Ministry is the good works that every believer is commanded by the Lord who empowers, ordains, and graciously gives it for the service of others (1Co 12:4-7; Eph 2:10; Heb 12:28-29).
If you do not live your God given occupation as a steward, you don’t really live.
Second: Those who live godly in this life will be persecuted, 2Ti 3:12. 2Ti 3:1 – difficult days will come. No superhero to save you from it. Define persecution: To harass someone, especially because of beliefs, persecute.
For the sake of righteousness and because of the Lord. Not for political reasons or for a cause or for any other reason than being Christlike – serving others in His upright manner.
“those who are persecuted” is the perfect passive participle of dioko: you have been and still are persecuted; always possible, probable, and present.
Consistent for those who live godly (2Ti 3:12; 1Pe 4:12).
The consistency of persecution makes us want to run - parable of the sower; Mat 13:20-21; or compromise, Gal 6:12; Book of Hebrews.
Third: You don’t know how blessed is the life of Christ and heaven, nor can you truly see it without persecution and reproach.
Pressure and heat make a diamond. The extraordinary health of a tree is only seen in the desert (Psa 1:1-3; Jer 17:7-8).
The extraordinary nature of the life of Christ is only seen when we love our enemies (Mat 5:46-48).
It is most important for you to see the greatness of the life of Christ. Many know of it; few truly know it.
Practical application in daily life: 2Co 4:9-10 persecuted but not forsaken; 2Co 12:9-10 glorying in weakness as I see the power of Christ cover me like a tent.
Application over time: 1Pe 4:1, He who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin … so as to live for the will of God.
Application over time: You get to see the contrast of the world and flesh against the kingdom of heaven.
Application: Rejoice and be exceedingly glad (both commandments).
Why? Your reward in heaven is great. Luk 6:32 Do not be afraid. Go for it!
Reward in heaven … some of which you will enjoy now and some you have to wait for. “You only live twice.” |