Mat 5:9; Like Father, Like You.Thursday May 2, 2024
Idea: To be called the son of God means that you have the characteristics of your Father.
Mat 5:9 - will be called sons of God.
“will be called” is future passive indicative of kaleo – to identify by name or attribute.
Very often the emphasis is to be placed less on the name than on the fact that the bearers of the name actually are what the name what the name says about them. Close to the meaning, “to be.”
The NT places much emphasis on our being the children of God (1Jo 3:1).
All believers are sons and daughters and all will be revealed as such in eternity (Gal 3:26; Rom 8:19).
To be called a son of God. Christ likely has in mind His apprentice who, like Him, has the characteristics of the Father, which the context indicates (Mat 5:44-48; Luk 6:35-36).
Pursue peace with all men and the building up of one another (Rom 14:19-20).
Do not make issues out of non-essentials (Rom 12:9-21).
Reconciliation: making an enemy into a friend (Col 1:22). Reconciliation make you “holy, blameless, and beyond reproach”
Beyond reproach (Col 1:22): anegkletos = cannot be called to account. (sins not remembered; Heb 8:12; 10:17 New Covenant).
The power to make peace (accepted or rejected): By the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:14f. Practically, we do what we are to do with trust in Him and He will give us the power to fulfill our end, “be at peace with all men” (Rom 12:18).
Peacemaker is the culmination of the complete (whole) apprentice of Christ.
A son is to be like his Father (Mat 5:44-48; Luk 6:35-36).
To your enemy: love, do good, pray for, lend expecting nothing in return.
Your reward will be great – the reward of the son of God is reaping the fruit like the Father does.
The reward of the son of God – the fruit of the Father. There are many rewards given to Christ and to His apprentice. One of the greatest rewards for us is being a vehicle through which some sit at Christ’s banquet table, because we were peacemakers, Isa 25:6-10; 26:1-6. |