Mat 5:9; The Kingdom of the Messiah in Your Kitchen ...

                                                       Sunday April 28, 2024


Idea: In many circles, you can make the environment of the kingdom of Messiah: wholeness, well-being, satisfaction, peace, and harmony. 


Psa 111:1-2

Praise the Lord!

I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart,

In the company of the upright and in the assembly. 

2 Great are the works of the Lord;

They are studied by all who delight in them. 


Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. 


“Peacemakers” - compound word only here. Not just words. 

eirenopoios - compound of peace and make (do) (only used here. The verb is used once in Col 1:20).


Defining peace. 

Communal wholeness, well-being, health, satisfaction, a group enjoying prosperity, relationship of friendly alliance, covenant relationship, initiation of a covenant relationship, and salvation (gospel of peace).


A state of concord, peace, and harmony - a state of well-being. 

Between nations

Personal relationships

Good order. 

A greeting of peace, equivalent to “keep well” (shalom) 

Not a wish, not just words, but an actual giving of welfare and harmony that is so real that you can remove it or take it with you (Mat 10:12-15).


The state or environment of the kingdom of the Messiah. 


Isa 57. Those who reject the kingdom of Messiah vs. those who accept His offer of peace (salvation)


Vv. 1-2 the righteous man does not remain in this world; it was not made for him.  


Vv. 3-4, the idol worshippers (estranged from God) are in consistent want and conflict. 


Vs. 5 your false gods demand your children.


Vs. 7 anxiety, worry, cost. 


Vs. 8 no peace in marriage, family, fulfilled desires). 


Vv. 9-11 stress, anxiety, want. 


Apostate summary: want, ignorance, conflict, loss of needs, anxiety, worry, cost, isolation, stress, longing … profitable?


Vs. 12 - God will declare your righteousness and deeds. Will they be profitable? [1Co 10:23-24] (Shalom is satisfaction, blessing, prosperity)


Vs. 13; The stress and conflict comes to a head as it always does - cry out to your idols (self, wealth, illicit sex, affairs, alcohol, drugs, lies, the people with whom you sought favor and deals, amazon, smartphone, FB …the things that you seek on the high hill where you uncover yourself.)


Repentance is offered here, “But he who takes refuge in Me will inherit the land  … possess My holy mountain.” (Shalom - the way things ought to be). Psa 24:3


Vs. 14-15 - smooth paths (peace); the high and holy place (kingdom of the Messiah, vs. 15)


Vv. 16-18, the discipline and healing of Israel as a whole. It is a picture of our own rebellion and healing. 


Vs. 19 “Peace, peace,” the Hebrew way of emphasizing or underlining is to repeat. “Far and near” - Gentile and Jew. 


Gentile and Jew mixture was the first conflict in the church. 


Eph 2:17 (Eph 2:11-22)


The making of peace is reconciliation. 


Define: katallasso - to exchange hostility for a friendly relationship.


Peacemaker, reconciler does what is necessary to establish shalom. 


Peacemaker / reconciler applied in Sermon on the Mount:  

Light of the world, salt of the earth (one of the sources of shalom)


Mat 5:25 Conflict with another.


Mat 5:27-32. Conflict in marriage.


Mat 5:33-37. Conflict in agreements. 


Mat 5:38-42. Conflict in legal matters.


Mat 5:43-48. Conflict in war (love your enemies).


Pro 16:7  



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