Mat 5:8; The Path to Seeing God … in Your Kitchen.

Thursday April 25, 2024


Idea: God promises His eternal presence in a way that makes you seek it in time.

Introduction: We can see God in everything. 


What we see is not defined. The reality is that you will know it when you see it. (Don’t wait until you can define something divine before you do anything about it.)


Go and see for yourself. (Joh 1:39).



We will see God face to face in eternity (2Co 5:1-11). 


He promises and the hope moves us to what He loves for us to have. Rom 8:23


What the promise of seeing God face to face means now:


Revolutionize our lives. 

This is surely the most amazing thing that has ever been said to man. If we but grasped this, it would revolutionize our lives.


Occupation with Him and more of Him (in all areas).

Though not seen as clearly now, knowing that what you see is Him, causes you to long for Him. Now we see Him through a dark glass. It still excites us to no end that we can see that much of God. It causes you to seek more sight and therefore occupies your life.


Seeing Him in everything (Rom 11:36; 1Co 8:6). 


When we grasp the truth that the eyes of our heart can become such that we can see God in every part of life, everything else pales in comparison.


We will see God face to face, but until that time, how foolish we are to rob ourselves of these glories that are here held out before our wondering gaze.


Purity of heart becomes your greatest concern (Php 3:12-16).


If these are true to you, then the purity of your heart will be one of your greatest concerns. The more pure it is in condition, the clearer is your vision of God now.


Obedience is not cleansing. It is an invitation to the Holy Spirit to cleanse you. (Heb 12:14-16; 2Co 3:17-18). 


The path of cleansing is obedience and trust while obeying. If we obey we will know God, love God, and the Father and the Son will build their house with us. We will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.


Obedience is not cleansing. Obedience is the invitation to the Holy Spirit to cleanse. Obedience is an act of faith.


You cannot cleanse or purify your own heart. God alone can do it, and thank God that is true.


God has set His hand to the task, and I know, because of that, that a day is coming when I shall be faultless and blameless, without spot or wrinkle, without any defilement. I shall be able to enter into the ancient gate of the holy city, leaving everything that is unclean outside, solely because He is doing it. Psa 24; 1Jo 3:1-3. (Jam 4:1-10; 1Jo 1:5-10). 



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