Mat 5:7, Couriers Delivering Heaven to the World.

Tuesday April 16, 2024


Idea: The power to give mercy to all is knowing and trusting the reality of God’s mercy to you. 


In all virtues and in all good expressions there is an avenue of God to man as well as one man to man.


The reality of our walk that that relationship with God is then manifest in the same virtues and expressions of goodness to others. 


We love (others) because He first loved us. We give mercy to others because God is always merciful to us (Luk 6:36). As God is to us, we are to others. 


Revisiting mercy:

Definition: Pertaining to being concerned about people in their need and being intent on doing something about it. (Sympathetic, compassionate, kindness expressed, pity)


Mercy vs. grace: [click in] Grace looks upon sin as a whole and determines not to condemn anyone for sin and to minister to all. Mercy looks at the particular need with compassion and seeks to fulfill it (Jam 2:14-17; 1Jo 3:17).


Jesus quoted Hos 6:6 and translated chesed (covenant, steadfast love) into eleos (mercy). Mat 12:7


Lovingkindness (covenant love) = mercy. [Jesus’ translation]


God’s chesed to Israel was His intent, His promise, and His doing what it took to fulfill the need. 


We show mercy to all and for all needs. 


The power to give mercy to all is knowing and trusting the reality of God’s mercy to us.


He desires to do so for all, but not all are poor in spirit, invested/committed (mourning), meek, and living solely on righteousness. 


Not everyone fears the Lord. Not everyone has given themselves to His will and so they continue in the mindset of rich, laughing, powerful, and feasting on the world and the flesh. 


Luk 1:46f - the Magnificat (Latin: magnify - “My soul magnifies the Lord”)


Zacharias’ prophecy; Luk 1:68-75. 


Mary - fear of the Lord; Zacharias - no fear of the consequences. 


We don’t need more of God in our lives. We need to give more of ourselves to Him. 


Proof of God’s mercy to us is in His salvation. Eph 2:4-7; Tit 3:3-7; 1Pe 1:3-5. 



Mercy is power to do God’s will. 


The guarantee of mercy from God to you means that God is going to actively fulfill your need as you lay aside every encumbrance to serve Him. 


It does not mean that you will not suffer. If you are resisting sin: Psa 86:15. If you have sinned and have sorrow: Jer 31:20; Psa 31:9-10. If you are struggling to be merciful to someone difficult: Luk 6:36; Jam 5:11. 

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